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TER - Teacher Leave


The Teacher Leave program allows you to create and modify leave records for teachers and allocate substitutions. With this program you can:

  • Create a new teacher leave record

  • Edit an existing teacher leave record

  • Select which periods the teacher will be absent for

You can create a teacher leave application through selecting the '+Add Teacher Leave' button. You can edit the teacher leave through selecting the edit 'Teacher Leave' button from the 'Teacher Substitutions' details screen or by clicking the edit link on the Daily Substitutions list screen.

Once the Teacher Leave details are added, if the teacher has at least one class that day, their timetable for that day loads and you can then select which of the periods the teacher will be absent for. 

The teacher must have a timetable defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Timetable Information > Maintain Timetable Details.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

You must have the “Add” permission on the ‘--- Leave tab’ Teacher Records setting in TASS.web System Admin > User Maintenance to create leave records with this program.

You must have the “Edit” permission on the ‘--- Leave tab’ Teacher Records setting in TASS.web System Admin > User Maintenance to update leave records with this program.

Fields that require detailed information


Searches for a teacher name

The 'Teacher Name' is generated from the teacher record in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the 'General Tab'

N.B. Non-current teachers will be included.

Once the teacher is selected these details from their Teacher Record display:

  • Home Phone

  • Mobile Phone

  • School Email

  • PC/Tutor Group

  • Department

  • Campus


Selects a single date using a Date Picker


This is a pick list generated from TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Setup Information on the 'Leave Reasons' tab.


You can enter up to 200 characters

If there are leave applications created in Staff Kiosk, these fields will also display along with a link where you can view the details of the leave application

Fields that require detailed information

Leave Type

The description of the leave type from the Leave/Other Application for this date

Application Dates

This displays the date or date range of the Leave/Other Application

Application Status

This displays the status of the Leave/Other Application

The teachers timetable(s) displays these details:

Fields that require detailed information


The period code


The period description


The period start and end time


The class details displayed as: [Subject Description] [Subject Code] [Year Group] [Class] e.g. “English [0001] 11 A”

  • When the teacher is timetabled for multiple subjects in the same period, the classes will be separated by a semi-colon. e.g. “Latin [0017] 12 A; Accounting 1 [0060] 11 A”

  • When there are multiple classes with the same subject and year group, the format will be:  [Subject Description] [Subject Code] [Year Group] [Class] [Class] (e.g. “English [0001] 11 A B”)

  • When there are multiple classes with the same subject and class but different year groups, the format will be: [Subject Description] [Subject Code] [Year Group], [Year Group] [Class] e.g. “English [0001] 10, 11 A”


The teaching load of the period as defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Periods' tab.

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