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TER - Class Tasks

The Class Tasks program allows you to maintain all the Class Tasks for a teacher’s leave. Classes are grouped by timetable and display the timetable's description. With this program you can:

  • Enter details of and provide attachments for the class tasks to assist the substitute the teacher
  • Add comments and feedback for the class tasks and include attachments with those

Fields that require detailed information


Displays the name of the teacher who's class is being substituted (for information only and isn't editable).


The date of the class being substituted (for information only and isn't editable).


This is the reason for the leave that was selected when the leave was created (for information only and isn't editable).

Class Task

Enter details of the task for the class. You have up to 4000 characters to provide details. 

Class Task Attachment

Add an attachment for the class task.

You can only add one attachment and if there are multiple files, it is recommended to use a file collation tool, such as a files zipper. 


Enter comments regarding the details of the task for the class. You have up to 4000 characters to provide details. 

Comment Attachment

You can add an attachment for the comment.

You can only add one attachment and if there are multiple files, it is recommended to use a file collation tool, such as a files zipper. 


Enter details of feedback for the task for the class. You have up to 4000 characters to provide details. 

Feedback Attachment

You can add an attachment for the feedback.

You can only add one attachment and if there are multiple files, it is recommended to use a file collation tool, such as a files zipper. 

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