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TT - Periods Tab (SU)

Timetable Periods Tab Overview

This is where the Periods for each of your school's timetable days are set up.

Viewing and Editing Periods

To 'View' or 'Edit' a Period, click on the associated link. The 'Timetable Periods' screen is then populated with detail of your chosen selection.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Fields that require detailed information


This field offers the user the opportunity to refer to the timetable by the unique (auto-numbered) code, or the timetable description previously defined in Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Timetable Definitions' tab.

Day Code

The day code against which you wish to define these periods.


Numeric code for this period.


A unique description for this period.

This description will be used in relevant areas and listings throughout the various TASS portals including Teacher Kiosk, WebBook, Parent Lounge and Student Café.


Start time for this period.


The end time for this period.


This field is used to store the 'load' measurement of the period.

This field is specifically used within the Teacher Substitution system when displaying a list of possible teachers who are available to substitute a class. 

The Teacher Substitution system displays the teaching load for each teacher by summing the 'load' values for each period for which the teacher is timetabled.

As an example, if the 'load' values for each timetable period were set to '1', and the teacher is timetabled for 20 lessons during the timetable cycle, then the system would display their teaching load as being '20'.


This Yes/No field is used to indicate which period or periods are to be defined as 'Rollcall' periods.

Review the 'How to Setup for Staff Kiosk Online Attendance Capture' guide to get an understanding of the relevance of this field. This field becomes important in Step 5. 

The best practice is to have the majority of timetabled periods nominated as 'Rollcall' periods' so that teachers record absentees in all subject class periods. Therefore, most periods would be set to 'Yes'. Only timetabled periods for lunch, assembly and so on, in which teachers are not required to mark the roll would be set to 'No'.

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