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Student Appointment Log

Student Appointment Log Overview

The Student Appointment Log can be used to: 

  • View a list of student appointments 

  • Add an appointment for a student 

  • Edit an existing student appointment

  • Cancel a student appointment

  • Print a report of student appointments

Appointments display on Student Profiles and on Class Rollcall screens. This visibility communicates to staff where a student is expected to be if they are not in their timetabled class, and allows them to make an informed decision on how to mark a roll.

Student Appointments do not affect attendance records or rollcalls in any way.

Appointment List Screen Overview

When you access the program, the screen will display a list of the Appointment Log entries in the last week for students in your current subject classes. Alternatively, you can use the filters at the top of the school to return a different list of student appointments. 

Fields that require further explanation


Student Name

Date / Time

The Date and Time of the scheduled appointment.


The appointment Type.

This is dependent on which appointment types the user has been given permission to view. Each appointment type has it's own permission point in System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Types are defined in the Appointment Types (Setup) program.


The comment icon displays if a comment has been recorded by the student for the appointment.

Where the Type has a 'APP SR Comment Flag' marked as Yes in the Appointment Types (Setup), the Student has the ability to add a comment at the time they check-in to an appointment through the Self Registration portal.  

Hover over the icon to view the comment.


The comment icon displays if a note has been recorded by the staff member for the appointment.

Hover over the icon to view the note.

This Note is also visible in Staff Kiosk Student Profile > Notes to users with the ‘View’ permission point enabled for the ‘Appointment Type’ in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Confidential Notes

The comment icon displays if a confidential note has been recorded by the staff member for the appointment. For example: counselling notes. 

Hover over the icon to view the confidential note.

The user must have the 'View Confidential Notes' permission point in System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions to add and view confidential notes

Arrival Date / Time

The Date and Time that the Student arrived at the appointment. This may be different to the scheduled date / time. 

This field can be updated by the Student through the Appointment Self Registration portal. 

Check Out Date / Time

The Date and Time that the Student checked out of the appointment. 

This field can be updated by the Student through the Appointment Self Registration portal. 

Resp. Staff Member

The Staff member responsible for the appointment.


The attachment icon display if an attachment has been added to the appointment. For example: a careers plan. 

Click on the icon to open the attachment.


This column will display when the 'Include Cancelled' filter has been selected. Cancelled appointments display the text 'Cancelled'.


View, Edit and Cancel the appointment.


Include Cancelled

Tick this checkbox to display Cancelled student appointments. 
A new heading 'Cancelled' will display in the grid, with the text 'Cancelled' showing for cancelled appointments. 

Date Range

Choose the desired Date Range.

Responsible Staff Member 

Enter a staff member's name to filter the results to the responsible staff member. Multiple staff members can be entered. 


Filter to display Students who have an appointment for a specific Type.

The available types is dependent on which appointment types the user has been given permission to view. Each appointment type has it's own permission point in System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Types are defined in the Appointment Types (Setup) program.


Only displayed where the school has Campuses setup. 

Student Selection

Use this to select from students in these groups:

  • My Classes (only available where the logged on user is a teacher and they have classes in the current year/semester)

  • My PC/Tutor Group (only available where the logged on user is a teacher and they have a PC/Tutor Group on their teacher record)

  • My Year Groups (only available where the logged on user is setup as a Head of Year or Year Administrator)

  • My House (only available where the logged on user is setup as a Head of House or House Administrator)

  • All Students

Add a Student Appointment

Click the 'New' button to display the 'Student Appointment Details' screen.

Fields that require further explanation


Search for the required student.

Click here for more information on the Quick Student Search Tool.

Type three or more characters of the student's code, surname, preferred surname or given name into the 'Student Search' Box:

As soon as the third character is entered, matching students are displayed. You can keep typing to further refine your search or click on the blue section to select the student.

Only current students will be displayed.


If the field mane is plural (Student(s)) you can add multiple.

*Date & Time 

Enter the date and time for this Appointment. 

This field will automatically default to the current date and time


Use the drop-down list to select the appointment type for this entry. 

Each appointment type has it's own permission point in System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Types are defined in the Appointment Types (Setup) program.

Responsible Staff Member 

Use the drop-down list to select a staff member who is responsible for the appointment.

Student Comment 

This field can be used to record the Student's comments during the Appointment.

Where the Type has a 'APP SR Comment Flag' marked as Yes in the Appointment Types (Setup), the Student will have the ability to add a comment at the time they check-in to an Appointment through the Self Registration portal.  


Record a note about the appointment. 

This Note is also visible in Staff Kiosk Student Profile > Notes to users with the ‘View’ permission point enabled for the ‘Appointment Type’ in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Confidential Notes

Record a confidential note about the appointment. 

The user must have the 'View Confidential Notes' permission point in System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions to add and view confidential notes. 


Multiple attachments can be added to the Appointment.

*End Time

Use the drop-down list to select the time the appointment will conclude.

*Display in Parent Lounge

Set to 'Yes' to enable the Appointment to be available in the Parent Lounge.

The permission point titled 'Student Appointments' must be ticked to display the Appointment Feed in eDiaries in both Parent Lounge and Student Cafe.
System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions - Student Cafe.

Arrival Date & Time

The arrival time can be entered at the same time that the appointment is created. Alternatively, the appointment can be later edited once the student arrives at the appointment.

This field can also be updated by the Student through the Appointment Self Registration portal. 

Checkout Date & Time

Only available to edit when an Arrival Date and time has been entered. 

This field can also be updated by the Student through the Appointment Self Registration portal. 

View / Edit a Student Appointment

Click the 'View' or 'Edit' icon to display the 'Student Appointment Details' screen.

In addition to the fields explained above in 'Adding a Student Appointment', there are other fields that display when viewing or editing a 'Student Appointment.

Fields that require further explanation

Show / Hide Change History

This link displays the 'Change History' showing the details of any changes made to the appointment.

Submit Change

Submit any changes you have made to the Student Appointment.

Cancel a Student Appointment

Click the 'Cancel' icon to open the Student Appointment Details screen.

Select 'Submit Cancel' to cancel the appointment.

Appointments cannot be deleted.

  • Appointments can be cancelled only where there is no 'Arrival Date / Time' entry recorded.

Appointment Self Registration Portal

The Student Appointment Log can be used in conjunction with the Appointment Self Registration Portal (APPSR), which allows students to check-in for a scheduled or non-scheduled appointment

The portal is designed to work with a touch screen and a magnetic swipe card reader. A docket printer can also be used to generate: 

  • An Appointment Arrival Slip 

  • An Appointment Check-out Slip, with the details of the next Timetabled class that the Student should proceed to.

To check-in or check out of an Appointment, the student will swipe their card or sign in using their network credentials. After signing in, they'll be presented with a screen: 


Screen Displayed

If the student has appointments to check out of. 

Only records for the last 7 days will be available. 

Check Out screen 

If the student does not have appointments to check out of and has booked appointments for today's date (where no Arrival Date is recorded).

Booked Appointments screen

If the student does not have appointments to check out of or booked appointments.

Appointment Self Registration Entry screen

How to setup the Student Appointment Program and Self Registration Portal
How to setup Student Self Registration Portals
Student Appointment Program and Self Registration (Video)

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