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Appointment Categories (Setup)

Appointment Categories (Setup) Overview

This program is used to define the Appointment Categories that Appointment Types can be associated to.

Categories are not mandatory, but are used to:

  • Group Appointment Types
  • Lock the Student Self Registration Portal/s to a specific Category of Appointment Types.
    For example, if the Portal located in the Music Department should display only Music Type appointments, then the portal can be locked to the Music Category.

Examples of Categories and Types:

CategoryMusic Department


IT Department

Drum Lesson

Guitar Lesson

Piano Lesson

Voice Lesson

CounsellingIT Support Help

Learning Support Meetings


Add or Edit a Category

When you access the program, the 'Appointment Categories (Setup)' screen will display a list of the pre-existing Categories in your system.

Select the 'pencil' icon to edit an existing category.

Select the '+New' button to display the 'Add Appointment Category Details' screen.

Fields that require detailed information

A mandatory field that requires a unique alphanumeric code used to define the Appointment Category. (6 characters max)

Active'Yes' to enable the appointment Category, 'No' to make it Inactive.

The name for the Appointment Category.

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