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Appointment Parameters (Setup)

This program defines the parameters for the Student Appointment Self Registration portal. This is used in conjunction with 'Appointment Types (Setup)' to prepare the features available for the Student Self Appointment portal and Student Appointment Log. 

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

To use this program, you must have 'Appointment Parameters (Setup)' permission in System Admin > Portal Security Permissions.

Fields that require detailed information
Enable Appointment Self Registration

Select 'Yes' to enable the Student Appointment Self Registration portal.

Self Registration Password

Enter the Administration password that will be used to open the Appointment Self Registration portal on the machine.

* Lock Appointment Portal to Specific Category

When Yes is selected, an extra option appears when the Administrator opens the Appointment Self Registration portal on the machine. The Administrator can choose from the available Categories, and students will be able to select an Appointment Type associated to that Category.

When No is selected, all active Appointment Types will display for students to select.

Student Identifier for APP SR Logon

Select how students should identify themselves if logging into the Self Registration portal with a Username and Password. Options:

  • Alternate ID
  • Student Code
Tolerance for next period (Minutes)

Enter a time tolerance that the student may be absent from their current class. If the student's current period ends within the tolerance time, then the student will be asked to proceed directly to their next class.

Docket PrinterEnter the Printer that confirmation slips will be printed to, if using.
Email details of failed login attempts

Select 'Yes' if you wish a staff member to be notified via email when students do not log into the portal successfully.

Email Appointment confirmations to StudentsSelect 'Yes' if you wish students to be emailed the Appointment confirmation details.
Contact Name

Enter the Contact Name who will be sent notifications of students appointments and failed login attempts (when selected to send).

Contact EmailEnter the Contact Email address that notifications of students appointments and failed login attempts will be sent to (when selected to send).
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