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Appointment Types (Setup)

Appointment Types (Setup) Overview

This program is used to define the Appointment Types that will be available to teachers when creating Appointments in the Student Appointment Log and for use through the Student Appointment Self Registration portal. 

Examples of Types: 

  • Counselling 
  • Careers 
  • IT Support Desk 
  • Learning Support Meetings

Creating a New Type

When you access the program, the 'Appointment Types (Setup)' screen will display a list of the pre-existing Types in your system.

Select the 'Pencil' icon to edit an existing Type.

Select the 'New' button to display the 'Add Appointment Type Details' screen.

Fields that require detailed information

A mandatory field that requires a unique 3-digit alphanumeric code used to define the Appointment Type.

ActiveSet to 'Yes' to enable the appointment type to be available in the Student Appointment Self Registration portal and Student Appointment Log. 

The name for the Appointment Type that will be visible in the Student Appointment Self Registration portal.

APP SR Enabled

Sets whether the appointment types will have a sort order.

When adding/editing Appointment Types, if this is set to 'Yes', use 'APP SR Sort Order' to specify the sort order sequence.

APP SR CommUse this flag to make a comment mandatory when a student uses this appointment type in the Student Appointment Self Registration portal.
APP SR Sort Order

This is only active when 'APP SR Enabled' is set to 'Yes'

When adding/editing Appointment Types, enter a number (lower numbers are listed higher in the order).

Default Appointment Duration (min)Enter a whole number between 1 and 999 to indicate the duration of appointments for use in the creation of a calendar event for this Appointment Type.
Display in Parent LoungeSet to 'Yes' to enable the Appointment Type to be available in the Parent Lounge.
TK RolesThe number of Staff Kiosk roles (TK roles) that each Appointment Type have been allocated to.
TK UsersThe number of Staff Kiosk users (TK users) that each Appointment Type have been allocated to.

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