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Sending Communications to an Individual Teacher or Non-Teacher

Send a Notification

  1. Click on the ‘notification’ icon next to the staff member's name.

  2. Enter the notification details: Start/End time of the notification, along with the message.

  3. Click GO

The communication details will be visible to this staff member in his/her Staff Kiosk Toolbar according to the start and end times that you entered.

Send an SMS

  1. Click on the ‘SMS’ icon next to the staff member's name.

  2. Enter the SMS message.

  3. Click GO.

Send an Email

  1. Click on the ‘email’ icon next to the staff member's name.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Enter email message, and add attachments and additional recipients (if required).

  4. Enter the Communication Log Category and optional comment.

  5. Click Send.

Click here for more information about Emailing.

If there is a ‘red alert’ icon in one of the columns, hover over the icon to view the reason that the communication can't be sent for that staff member.

Icons will be inactive if you have not been given the required permissions for these functions.

The communication details will be logged in theirs, and your,Communication Log in Staff Kiosk.

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