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Arranging a Meeting

Use this program to arrange a meeting with other Staff Members. The system will refer to the current timetable to find times where all parties are available.

Once a time is selected, an email invitation will be sent to the other staff member/s requesting the meeting. A calendar meeting entry can also be created at the same time.

  1. Locate the staff member/s you wish to arrange a meeting with, or use the filter options to filter the list.

Use the 'Staff' button to filter the list to view:

  • All Staff, Teachers or Non Teachers
  • Heads of Departments only
  • Department Administrators only
  • Heads of Year only
  • Year Administrators only
  • Heads of House only
  • House Administrators only
  1. Select the 'All' box to select all staff on the list, or tick the appropriate staff to include in the meeting.

  2. Using the  'I want to...' button, select either:

    'Arrange a Meeting (excluding myself)' or
    'Arrange a Meeting (including myself)'

  3. The 'Free Periods' screen will display a list of days and periods that all of the selected staff are available (free) to meet. Select a preferred time.
    If no free time slots are found, a message to this effect will display.

  4. Use the 'envelope' icon to send a 'Meeting Request' via email.
    The email body will display the text 'Could we please meet on [Day of the Week] during [Period].'

  5. Tick the 'Add to Teacher's/Non-teacher's eDiary' field to create a calendar entry in each invited teacher/non/teacher's eDiary for the time of the meeting request.
    Use program Calendar > My Calendar to maintain the calendar entry thereafter.

If the 'I want to..' button looks dull then no staff have been selected as detailed in Step 2.

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