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How to Setup Staff Kiosk Leave Applications (SK)

This guide provides information and instruction on how to setup the Staff Kiosk Online Leave Application system.

Types of Leave

There are two types of leave that can be set up:

  1. Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HR > Leave Types (Setup)
      - Requires Payroll to be enabled.
      - Leave types require an associated Paycode and go through to Timesheets for Payroll processing.
      - Examples: Sick Leave, Annual Leave, Long Service Leave.

  2. Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HR > Other Types (Setup)
      - Does not require Payroll to be enabled.
      - Other types have no associated Paycodes and do not go through to Timesheets. Other Leave types stay within Staff Kiosk as Historical Data.
      - 'Other' can be renamed to suit your school terminology.
      - Examples: Professional Development, School Business.

While the staff leave application process is similar for both, the set up required for each is separate. Both are covered within this guide.
If you do not use the Payroll module, simply skips those steps.


Menu Options




TASS.web > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees

Use the 'Supervisor Hierarchy' report to ensure that each employee has a 'Supervisor' allocated.

The employee's Supervisor is the first approver of leave applications. Approval flow then works up though the levels of hierarchy, depending on the workflow that is entered into Staff Kiosk (Steps 8 and 9).

Click here for more information on the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Supervisor Hierarchy

The Supervisor Hierarchy is an organizational chart that lists every employee's immediate supervisor(s) and their position within the hierarchy.

The report uses the 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields on each employee's record to determine their position in the hierarchy.

  • If an employee has no Supervisor entered, they will appear in the Level 1 column.

  • Two employees cannot report to each other. This creates an infinite loop, and an error report will be produced when viewing the Supervisor Hierarchy.

  • If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, their name will appear twice on the report. 

The below Organisational chart (not produced from TASS) reflects the above Supervisor Hierarchy Report from TASS. 

The Supervisor Hierarchy report can be provided to administrators who are responsible for managing Online Leave Applications and PD Activities in Staff Kiosk, as the approval flows for these programs reference the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Online Leave Applications

When an employee submits an online Leave Application, the approval workflow begins, requiring each approver, in order, to approve the leave.

Each Leave / Other Type can be set up to include any or all of three approver work flows:
  1st)  the number of approvers, including the employee's immediate Supervisor(s), and any number of people up the employee's hierarchical structure.
  2nd)  the employee's Supervisor at a certain level, allowing lower level supervisors to be skipped.
  3rd)  a final designated approver, separate to the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Example approval workflow:

For 'Sick Leave', each employee must have:

       1st)  2 Supervisor approvals
      2nd)  Level 2 approval
       3rd)  Olive Brown is the designated final approver for all Sick Leave applications.

Gavin Rogers applies for sick leave.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, the first of 2 supervisor approvers, receives the application by email and he approves.

  • David Johnstone, the second of 2 supervisor approvers, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Peter Baskins, as the Level 2 approver, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Olive Brown, as the designated approver, receives the application by email and she approves.
    Gavin Rogers receives an email as each approval occurs.

PD Activities

When an employee adds a PD Activity that requires approval, their immediate supervisor can approve it.

Example approval workflow:

Gavin Rogers adds a PD activity in Staff Kiosk.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, logs into Staff Kiosk and changes the status of the activity to Approved.

If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, either can approve the leave application or PD Activity.



TASS.web > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Schedule' tab

Create the Work Schedule Weeks used to define weekly rotations for part time employees and full time employees who don't work a standard Monday to Friday week.
      E.g. Week 1, Week 2



TASS.web > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees on the 'Payroll Details' tab

Under the 'Work Schedule' section, enter the working days and hours for part-time staff.

TIP: This is not required for full time employees who work a standard Monday to Friday week.



TASS.web > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information

On the 'General' tab, ensure that a 'No Reply Email Address' has been nominated.

This email address is used for system generated Leave Application emails.



TASS.web > System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions

Assign the Staff Kiosk permissions, located in the 'Payroll/HR' section, to the appropriate User Roles or staff:


My Staff Leave / Other Applications
  --Add Draft Applications
  --All Staff
  --Submit Draft Applications
Application Parameters (Setup)
Public Holidays (Setup)
Leave Types (Setup)
Other Types (Setup)


Leave Entitlements
Leave / Other Applications
  --Add Applications



Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HR > Application Parameters (Setup)

Enable the Leave / Other Applications and integration to Teacher Substitutions (if required).

Rename 'Other' to use your preferred school terminology. eg 'Inservice'. Associated references to these non-payroll leave types will replace the word 'Other' with your preferred terminology.



Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HR > Public Holidays (Setup)

Enter all upcoming Public Holidays.

Ensure Public Holidays for at least 12 months in advance have been entered to prevent leave being added for these dates.



Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HR > Leave Types (Setup)

'Leave Types' only relate to Payroll.  If your school does not use TASS Payroll, proceed to the next step.

Create the 'Leave Types' that will be available to staff when submitting Leave Applications, and the approver requirements.

Each 'Leave Type' must be mapped to a Paycode, and it is assumed that Paycodes are already set up at your school.



Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HR > Other Types (Setup)

'Other Types' do not relate to Payroll. If you re-named 'Other' in the Application Parameters (Setup) eg 'Inservice', the menu item in Staff Kiosk will show as 'Inservice Types (Setup)'.

Create other types of leave that do not affect Payroll, and the approver requirements.

E.g. Professional Development, Excursion.


The online Leave application set up is now complete, and staff can apply for leave in Staff Kiosk.

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