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Book Hire (BH)


The TASS.web Book Hire module provides a tool to facilitate the tracking of loan or hire books to students and teachers.

The module can be set up to run in either of two modes:

  1. Bar Code Mode.

  2. Non-tracking Mode.

In either mode, the module contains rapid input programs for the issue and return of books. It can produce borrower statements and follow-up letters.

Student charges arising from loans or lost books can be optionally transferred to the Parent Accounts module for inclusion on parent's fee statements.



Bar Code Mode

This mode means that individual copies of a book are tracked based on a Bar Code or Copy Number. You would typically set the module up using this mode in conjunction with a bar code scanner to speed up the issue and receipt of book loans/hire to students and teachers.

In 'Bar Code Mode' book copies must have one of four possible statuses. These are:

  • In Stock.

  • On Loan.

  • Lost.

  • Retired.

Non-Tracking Mode

This mode means that individual copies of a book are not tracked. You would use this mode if: 

  • You intend to create book 'bundles' where a collection of books are loaned/hired to students or teachers.

  • You don't want to track which individual copy of a book has been issued to a student or teacher.

In 'non-tracking mode', book copies can have one of three possible statuses. These are:

  • In Stock.

  • On Loan.

  • Lost.

Book Hire Menu

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