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BH - Book Issue/Return/Inquiry

Book Issue/Return/Inquiry Overview

This is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:

  • Issue a book to an individual borrower (student or teacher).
  • Create a bulk issue of a book to a group of borrowers (only if your Book Hire module has been set up to run in 'Non-tracking' mode.
  • Issue a book bundle to an individual borrower (student or teacher) (only if your Book Hire module has been set up to run in 'Non-tracking' mode).
  • Create a bulk issue of a book bundle to a group of borrowers (only if your Book Hire module has been set up to run in 'Non-tracking' mode).
  • Process the return of books from borrowers.
  • Produce a book return receipt.
  • Cancel a book issue that has been processed in error.
  • Mark a book copy as 'Lost' (only if your Book Hire module does not integrate with the Parent Accounts module).
  • Search for existing borrowing records using specific criteria.
  • Produce a screen list of loan/hire records with the ability to drill-down to view details.
  • Print, export to Excel® or export to Word® the list of loan/hire records returned by your search.

Book Issue

Use this button to process a book issue to individual students or teachers. If your school is running in 'Non-tracking' mode, then you will also be able to issue a book bundle to students or teachers.

Click the 'Issue' icon to display a blank 'Book Issue' screen.

Fields that require detailed information

Borrower Type

Select a student or teacher.

Borrower Code

Use the 'Lookup' (binoculars) to select a student or teacher. The lookup is dependent on the 'Borrower Type' selected directly above.

The 'Borrower Code' field will accept either student codes or the student's Alternate ID (which could contain student ID barcodes).

ISBN/Bundle or Barcode

If your Book Hire module has been set up to run in 'Non-tracking' mode, then the prompt will be 'ISBN/Bundle'. Enter the book ISBN or bundle code or use the 'Lookup' (binoculars) to select one.

If your Book Hire module has been set up to run in 'Barcode' mode, then the prompt will be 'Barcode'. Scan the book's barcode or enter the barcode using the keyboard or use the 'Lookup' (binoculars) to select the book.

A 'Drilldown' link is available at the top of the screen to view the loan history of the borrower currently selected.

You need to click the 'Add' button to include each selected book into this issue. 

Once the book has been added to the list, the hire charge can be waived by selecting the respective 'No Charge' button. Books that have been incorrectly added to the list can be removed by clicking the 'Delete' button.

Once you have added all of the books that are to be issued to this borrower click the 'Save' button.


If a book is already on loan (Barcode mode), the program will warn you then allow you to return it and re-issue it.

Bulk Issue

This button is only available if your school is running in 'Non-tracking' mode.

Click the 'Bulk Issue' icon to display the screen for the three stepped process.

Step 1

Use the filters available on this screen to select the students to be included in this book/bundle issue.

The 'Year Group' is a multi-select field. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options enables a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows individual selection of additional fields.

Step 2

Enter the book ISBN or bundle code or use the 'Lookup' (binoculars) to select one.

You need to click the 'Add' button to include each selected book into this issue. Once you have added all of the books that are to be issued to this student or teacher, click the 'Next' button.

Step 3

The students that meet the selection criteria from Step 1 will be displayed. If this list is correct, then click the 'GO' button to generate this bulk issue.

Alternatively, you can 'untick' the students who you do not wish to include in this bulk issue before clicking the 'GO' button.

Book Return

Step 1

Use the 'Book Issue/Return/Inquiry' screen to select 'On Loan' books only.

Click 'GO' to display a list screen containing all books currently out on loan.

The records on this screen can be resorted by clicking on the heading links provided.

Step 2

Use the 'Selected' column to tick the books that are being returned.

The 'All' button will tick all books displayed in the list screen as selected for return.

Step 3

Click the 'Return' button at the top of the screen to complete the processing of this book return.

Alternatively, if you want a book return certificate for each student, click the 'Return + Receipt' button at the top of the screen.


This option will only work for a single borrower. 

Using a barcode reader to return books.

An alternative method is available for book returns if you are operating in 'Bar Code Mode'.

Click the 'Barcode Return' button at the top of the 'Book Issue/Return/Inquiry' screen. Scan the books that are being returned.

Once you have finished scanning, click the 'Return' button to complete the book return process.

Book Issue Cancellation

This option allows you to cancel book loans that may have been issued in error.


This option will only work for a single borrower. 

Step 1

Use the 'Book Issue/Return/Inquiry' screen to select 'On Loan' books only and for a single student only.

Click 'GO' to display a list screen containing all books currently out on loan for the student.

Step 2

Use the 'Selected' column to tick the book issues that are to be cancelled.

The 'All' button will tick all books displayed in the list screen as selected for cancellation.

Step 3

Click the 'Issue Cancellation' button at the top of the screen to complete the processing of this loan cancellation.

Updating an Issued book to 'Lost' Status

If your Book Hire module is not set up to integrate with the Parent Accounts module (i.e. The 'Integrate to Parent Accounts Ledger' option in 'Book Hire Setup' is set to 'No'), then you would use this program to process book copies as 'Lost'.

Using the search criteria, select the 'Book Status' of 'On Loan' only and use other search criteria if necessary.

Using the 'Selected' column, select the books that are to be updated to 'Lost'. Use the 'Lost' icon located at the top of the screen to update the status of those book loans to Lost.


This option will not generate lost charges to the Parent's account.

If your Book Hire module is set up to integrate with the Parent Accounts module, then you would use the program Student Admin > Book Hire > Special Processes > Generate Lost Book Charges to update a book status to 'Lost'.

Viewing Book Issues and Returns Book Issue/Return/Inquiry Screen

The search screen provides the facility to search for book issues and returns using various search fields.

Click the 'GO' button (or press 'Enter') to execute the search and display the 'Book Issue/Returns/Inquiry List' screen with the matching records.

This list screen displays the borrower records matching your search criteria, initially sorted by borrower code.

The records on this screen can be re-sorted by clicking on the heading links provided.

Click on the 'View' Action link to access a book issue record. 

You can print this list by clicking the 'Print' icon in the toolbar to display the 'Book Inquiry Listing' screen. This screen allows you to nominate the sort order of your output. You can elect to produce the output as a PDF document, Excel® file or Word® document.

Select 'Additional Fields' to include in the listing by highlighting them with a mouse-click. The 'Borrower Code', 'Name', 'Year Group', 'Form Class', 'PC Group' 'ISBN', 'Title' and 'Issue Date' fields are automatically included and are not available for selection.

Click on 'GO' to create the report.

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