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BH - Borrower Statements

Borrower Statements Overview

This is the program used to generate statements for teachers or students detailing books that they currently have on loan. It can be run to include hire charges or without as a reminder statement.

General Tab

Fields that require further explanation

Student/Teacher Borrowers

Use the radio button to indicate if this statement run will be for students or teachers.

Borrower Code

Use this field to print out a statement for one borrower only.

If you want to run statements for all of the borrowers (that you nominated above) leave this blank.

You may select the 'Lookup' (Binoculars) icon and search for a valid borrower code.

Year Group

Use this field to print statements for all students in a particular year group (or year groups) with current borrowings.

Leave this blank to print statements for all borrowers.

The 'Year Group' is a multi-select field. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options enables a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows individual selection of additional fields.

PC/Tutor Group

Use this field to print statements for all students in a particular pastoral care/tutor group (or groups) with current borrowings.

Leave this blank to print statements for all borrowers.

The 'PC/Tutor Group' is a multi-select field. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options enables a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows individual selection of additional fields.

Issue Date

Use this field to print statements for loans that were issued on a certain date or date range. 

Leave this blank to print statements that include all outstanding books.

The 'Issue Date' field could be used to send a statement or reminder for books that pertain to a prior loan period.

Form Class

Use this field to print statements for all students in a particular form class with current borrowings.

Leave this blank to print statements for all borrowers.


Use this field to print statements for all students in a particular house (or houses) with current borrowings.

Leave this blank to print statements for all borrowers.

The 'House' is a multi-select field. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options enables a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows individual selection of additional fields.

Book Category

Use this field to include or exclude books of a certain category. 

Leave this blank to print statements that include all book categories.

Using book 'Categories' is a good way to control which books appear on statements. This can be used in situations where loan periods between books differ. This field can filter out books that you may not wish to include on the statement.

The 'Book Category' is a multi-select field. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options enables a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows individual selection of additional fields.

Statement Message Text

Optional message to include on the statement footer.

Bold Statement Message Text

Ticking this checkbox will display the 'Statement Message Text' entered directly above in a bold text format.

Print Tab

Fields that require further explanation

Sort By

This option will allow you to nominate to print the statements in 'Borrower Code' or 'Borrower Surname/Teacher Name' order.

If you are printing statements for students then 'Year Group' is also available.

Export to PDF

The statements will always print using AdobeĀ® PDF.

Deliver via email where possible

This option will generate statements via email for borrowers where the borrower record has a valid email address.

It will follow the address hierarchy that you specify on this tab until it finds a valid email address.

It will not generate a PDF for borrowers that it generates emails for.

If you have selected a range of statements to print the program will automatically generate printed statements for borrowers without email addresses.

The email function will also CC each emailed statement to the address set up in the 'CC Email' field in program Student Admin > Book Hire > Setup Information > Book Hire Setup on the 'Parameters' tab.

Statement Address Hierarchy

The 'Address Hierarchy' will determine which address is to be printed on the Borrowers Statement.

  • Field 1. Displays the 'Billing / Account Address' as defined in Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup.

  • Field 2. This is an optional field that allows the user to nominate a secondary address that will be picked up if the parent does not have the address stipulated in 'Field 1'.

  • Field 3. Displays the default address. This is the address that will be used for any parent that does not have either of the addresses stipulated in Field 1 or 2.

The 'Address Hierarchy' screen is used to print an alternate address based on the absence of the preceding address type in the hierarchy on the parent account record.

Second Copy of Statement

This would normally be used for split families where a second copy of the statement is required. It will only print a second copy of statements where it finds an address in the selected address block(s). As an example, if you used an address block called 'non-custodial parent' then it will only produce two statements for parents where there is an address in that address block. All the other statements will only get one.

This is a multi-select picklist which will allow you to produce more than one, second copy, of the statement. Use 'Ctrl' and mouse-click to select more than one.

Use Student or Parent Email Address

Indicate whether the statement is to be emailed to the parent or the student by clicking the appropriate radio button.

If you nominate the 'parent' option the program will use the email addresses from the default address block (defined using program Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup.

All books or New Loans only

Select the 'All' radio button to print statements including all books on loan for the borrowers.

Select the 'New Only' button to print only the books that have been issued on loan since the last statement and flagging process was run. The flag to indicate that books have appeared on a statement is not set by this program. It is set through program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Processing > Flag Transactions.

Print School Logo & Name

The default for this is ticked. You would typically run the statements in this mode if you were emailing or printing the statements onto plain paper.

Refer to the help for program Student Admin > Book Hire > Setup Information > Book Hire Setup on the 'Parameters' tab for details on setting up the email address and phone number (if they are different to the main school details).

When unticked, the statement will suppress the logo and school name. Use this option if you are printing your statements onto pre-printed stationery.

Include Hire Charges on Statement

The default for this is unticked. 

Tick this checkbox to indicate that the transactions on the statement are to include the hire charges for each book as set up using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Information > Books.

Include Barcode Number on Statement

The default for this is unticked. 

Tick this checkbox to include the book copy barcode numbers on the statement. 

This may be useful to allow Students and Teachers to check that they have the correctly bar-coded book (not a copy that belongs to one of their peers).

This is only available if your school is running this module in 'Bar Code Mode'.

After making your required selections, click the 'GO' button to generate your statements.

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