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BH - Post Charges to Parent Accounts

This program will create a single charge on the parent ledger (in the Parent Accounts module) for each student who has book hire charges. It will consolidate any un-posted hire transactions in book hire by the student and then create a charge on the parent account.

It uses the fee code that is setup using program Book Hire > Setup Information > Book Hire Setup on the 'Parameters' tab in the 'Book Hire Fee Code' field.

The transactions on the parent account will include the Comment 'Book Hire DD/MM/YYYY - DD/MM/YYYY.


This program is only available if 'Integrate to Parent Account Ledger' is set to 'Yes' using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Setup Information > Book Hire Setup.

Fields that require a further explanation – 'General' tab

Billing Date

This is the date that will be used as the transaction date in Parent Accounts. It will automatically determine the account year and period.


If you intend to run a borrower statement as a supporting document (for the parents) it is important that you read the help for program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Processing > Flag Transactions.

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