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BH - Book Hire Setup (SU)

Book Hire Setup Overview

To edit any of these parameters, click on the 'Edit' icon at the top of the screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.


Once the initial parameters have been established for this module and processing has commenced, subsequent changes should be avoided. Changes should only be made if you are absolutely sure of the ramifications to transaction processing.

Parameters Tab

This tab is used to set up and maintain the system defaults and parameters to be used for book hire processing.

Fields that require further explanation

 Track Individual Copies

'Bar Code' mode

Set this flag to 'Yes' to allow the tracking of individual books by unique bar codes.

This documentation will refer to this as 'Bar Code' mode.

This means that each book has a separate identification number that can be tracked against the borrower.

If you have this flag set to 'Yes' then the book 'bundling' functionality in this module becomes inoperative. This means that program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Information > Book Bundles cannot be used and it is therefore not possible to issue bundles to students.

'Non-tracking' mode

Setting this flag to 'No' will mean that individual copies of a book are not tracked. This mode lends itself to the creation of book 'bundles' where a collection of books are loaned/hired to students and teachers.

This documentation will refer to this as 'Non-tracking' mode.

This mode also allows the loan/hire of individual books to students or teachers. It does not cater for the tracking of which copy of a book has gone to a student or teacher.

Unique Bar Codes

This field will change to 'Yes' when 'Track Individual Copies' = 'Yes'. It is for display purposes only and cannot be changed.

Integrate to Parent Accounts Ledger

Set this flag to 'Yes' if charges for student book hire or lost books are to be transferred to the Parent Accounts module.

The program that is used to transfer the total of charges for student's book hire to the parent account is Student Admin > Book Hire > Special Processes > Post Charges to Parent Accounts.

The program that is used to transfer the total of charges for student's lost books to the parent account is Student Admin > Book Hire > Special Processes > Generate Lost Book Charges.

Book Hire Fee Code

These fields are only accessible if 'Integrate to Parent Accounts Ledger' (directly above) is set to 'Yes'.

Use the drop-down list to chose the fee code that will be used when book hire charges are transferred to the Parent Accounts module using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Special Processes > Post Charges to Parent Accounts. Book hire charges for each student will be consolidated and transferred as a single figure.


A fee code must be created using program Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Account Setup on the 'Fees' tab first.

Fee Code for Lost Books

Use the drop-down list to choose the fee code that will be used when charges for lost books are transferred to the Parent Accounts module using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Special Processes > Generate Lost Book Charges. Each charge for each lost book will be transferred to the parent account.


A fee code must be created using program Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Account Setup on the 'Fees' tab first.

Sender Email

The email address to be automatically placed in the sender field when borrower statements are sent as an email attachment using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Processing > Borrower Statements.

CC Email

The email address to be automatically placed in the carbon copy (CC) field when borrower statements are sent as an email attachment using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Processing > Borrower Statements.

Statement Subject Text

The subject text to be automatically placed in the subject field when borrower statements are sent as an email attachment using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Processing > Borrower Statements.


Use this field to store the name of the person who is the main contact for this module at your school.


This field will print on the borrower statements generated using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Processing > Borrower Statements and follow-up letters generated using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Processing > Follow-up Letters.


This field will print on the borrower statements generated using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Processing > Borrower Statements and follow-up letters generated using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Processing > Follow-up Letters.


Use this field to store the fax number for your school.


This field will print on the borrower statements generated using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Processing > Borrower Statements and follow-up letters generated using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Processing > Follow-up Letters.

Categories Tab

This tab is used to create and maintain book categories. 'Category' is a mandatory field on a book master record and can be used as a filter in various screens and reports.

Categories could be used to filter out certain books from appearing on correspondence such as the 'Follow-up Letters'. This may be useful where you have some books that are hired for an entire year and other books that are hired for a term or semester only.

Adding a Category

To add a new category, click the 'New' button to display a blank 'Book Categories' screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

Editing Categories

To 'Edit' a category, click on the 'Edit Selected' button to display the 'Book Categories' screen populated with the details of your selection.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Fields that require further explanation


The 4 character unique code to be used for this category.

Category Description

A 30 character description for this category.


Once a category has been used on a book record it is not possible to delete it.

Publishers Tab

This tab is used to create and maintain book publishers. 'Publisher' is a mandatory field on a book master record and can be used as a filter in various screens and reports.

Adding a Publisher

To add a new publisher, click the 'New' button to display a blank 'Publisher' screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

Editing Publishers

To 'Edit' a publisher, click on the 'Edit Selected' button to display the 'Publisher' screen populated with the details of your selection.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Fields that require further explanation


The 6 character unique code to be used for this publisher.

Publisher Description

A 40 character description for this publisher.


Once a publisher has been used on a book record it is not possible to delete it.

Follow-up Letter Tab

Use this tab to create a template for follow-up letters to be sent to parents or students for overdue borrowings.

The letter format includes keywords that will be substituted when program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Processing > Follow-up Letters is run.


The keywords are case sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown in the table below.

Keywords available for substitution


Includes today's date.


Includes the parent's name.


Includes the parent's address.


Includes the salutation for the parent.


Includes the student's or teacher's name.


Includes the student's 'Preferred Name' when the checkbox 'Use Preferred Name' is ticked in program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Student Records' tab. Otherwise, the student’s 'First Name' will be inserted.

[NAME'S]Same as the [NAME] keyword but will include an 's on the end of the last word.


Includes a list of all overdue books for the borrower.


Includes the amount setup in the 'Replacement Charge' field in program Student Admin > Book Hire > Book Information > Books on the 'Book Information' tab.

Include a currency symbol directly before this field as the keyword does not automatically include one.


He or She


he or she


His or Her


his or her


him or her


son or daughter


son's or daughter's


himself or herself

The keyword substitution values above are defined in Community Plus program Setup Information using the 'Genders Setup' program.

Additional gender values (to those above) may exist and be available if your school has defined them.

An example of a template letter.





This is to inform you that [BORROWER] currently has the following books overdue from our book-hire program:


We request that the books are returned immediately. 

Failure to do so will incur a $[REPLACEVALUE] replacement charge on your next school statement.

Thanking you for your assistance in this matter.

Yours faithfully,


Mr. B. Smith        

Dep. Principal

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