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BH - Books

Books Overview

This is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:

  • Search for existing book records using specific criteria.
  • Produce a screen list of existing books that also provides the ability to view or edit book details.
  • Print, export to Excel® or Word® the list of books returned by your search.
  • Add a new book record.

Adding a New Book

Click the 'New' icon at the top of the screen to add a new book record.

Viewing and Editing Book Records

To view or edit an existing book record, use the search screen to select records from the database.

You can filter your selection to include books where one or more copies have a particular status:

A status of a copy could be:

  • In Stock.
  • On Loan.
  • Lost.
  • Retired (Only available in 'Bar Code mode').

You can also use fields from the books master record or a range of purchase dates as additional filters for your selection.

Click the 'GO' button (or press 'Enter') to execute the search and populate the 'Book List' screen.

This list screen displays the books matching your search criteria initially sorted by book title. The list screen will display the number of book copies, broken up into the individual book copies status.

The records on this screen can be re-sorted by clicking on the heading links above the 'Book List'.

Select the 'Print' icon to display the 'Print Options' screen and generate a report on the books displayed in the 'Book List'.  Various sorting and formatting options are displayed and you can select the type of file and layout you wish to use. Click on 'GO' to create the report.

Use the 'Include copy information (Barcodes)' option to print the barcodes for each book that is 'In Stock', 'On Loan', 'Lost' or 'Retired'.

Click on the 'View' or 'Edit' Action links to access the book details. The individual book copies are maintained within the 'Copy Info' tab.

A book can only be deleted by using the 'Delete' Action link (at the top of the screen) when it has no associated loan records for any book copy that has been created.

Books that have loan records should be 'Retired' if they are no longer used by the school.

Book Information Tab

Fields that require detailed information
TitleA 50 character field to describe the book.
AuthorA 40 character field to identify the author.
PublisherUse the drop-down list to select a publisher for this book. These are set up using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Setup Information > Book Hire Setup on the 'Publishers' tab.
ISBNThis is an 18 character field.  It must be unique.
CategoryUse the drop-down list to select a category for this book. These are set up using program Student Admin > Book Hire > Setup Information > Book Hire Setup on the 'Categories' tab.
DepartmentUse the drop-down list to select a department for this book. These are set up using program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Departments' tab.
Hire ChargeThis is the amount that will be charged for an individual hire of this book.
The program that is used to transfer the total of charges for student's book hire to the parent account is Student Admin > Book Hire > Special Processes > Post Charges to Parent Accounts.
Replacement ChargeThis is the amount that will be charged to students for not returning this book
The program that is used to transfer the total of charges for student's lost books to the parent account is Student Admin > Book Hire > Special Processes > Generate Lost Book Charges.
Cost AmountThis is the amount that the school paid for this book and is for information purposes only.
Date PurchasedWhen adding a new book this will default to the system date. It can be overridden with an earlier date if required.
SupplierUse the 'Lookup' icon to select the supplier from whom this book was purchased. These are set up using program Finance > Accounts Payable > Supplier Information > Suppliers.
Number of Copies

This is the number of copies of this book owned by the school.


If your school is running in 'Bar Code' mode (where individual copies of a book are tracked), then this field is automatically updated based on the total number of bar codes (copies) that are either 'In Stock' or 'On Loan'. Books that have been 'Lost' or 'Retired' are automatically excluded from this count.
If your school is running in 'Non-tracking' mode, (where individual copies of a book are not tracked), then this field is editable. This field will need to be updated manually as books are removed from stock.

Copies AvailableThis field is not displayed when the book record is initially being added.  It is a system calculated field based on the 'Number of Copies' field less the quantity currently 'On loan' for this book.

Copy Info Tab

This tab is only available if your school is running the Book Hire module in 'Bar Code' mode. For more information, refer to Student Admin > Book Hire > Setup Information > Book Hire Setup on the 'Parameters Tab'.

There are two options available for recording new barcode/copy numbers.

  1. Enter the Barcode/Copy No. individually and click the 'Add' button.
  2. Click the 'Generate' button to create a number of Barcodes/Copy Numbers quickly.

Fields within the 'Generate' function that require detailed information
Size of FieldThe barcode/copy number that you generate can be up to 12 characters long.
Barcode Prefix

Enter any character prefix that is to be generated into the barcode. This is optional. The characters entered here will be prepended to the number generated.

Starting NumberEnter the first copy number. Preceding zero's are not necessary as the generate utility will automatically insert them based on the 'Size of Field' and 'Barcode Prefix' entered above.
Ending NumberEnter the last copy number that is to be generated. Preceding zero's are not necessary as the generate utility will automatically insert them based on the 'Size of Field' and 'Barcode Prefix' entered above.

Click the 'GO' button to generate the Barcodes/Copy Numbers.

You will also need to click the 'Save' button on the 'Copy Info' tab.

Book copies that have been damaged or that are to be removed from stock can be 'Retired' (Only applicable in 'Bar Code' mode.)  To 'Retire' an individual book copy, select the respective 'Retire' checkboxes against that book copy and then click 'Save'. Multiple copies of the book can be 'Retired' within the process.

Book copies that are currently 'On Loan' cannot be 'Retired' until they have been returned.

Use the 'All' button on the top of the screen if you intend to retire all copies of the book. 

Individual book copies that have previously been 'Lost' or 'Retired' can be 'Reinstated' in this program. To 'Reinstate' a book, click the respective 'Reinstate' button next to the copy. Reinstating a book that has been 'Lost' or 'Retired' will then put that book copy back into stock.


When reinstating a book copy that has been 'Lost', the system will check whether a Lost Charge to the parent has been processed and will then advise the user. The Book Hire module does not generate credits to parent accounts when 'Lost' books are being reinstated. If applicable, the credit would need to be processed manually.

Book History Tab

This is an information tab only.  It displays a history of all student and teacher borrowings of this book.
Click on the 'View' Action link to drill down on further details of a loan/hire record.

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