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Student Check In / Out List


This is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:

  • Generate a report (PDF) of Student Check In / Out using multiple selection criteria.

  • Generate an export (Excel® or Word®) of Student Check In / Out using multiple selection criteria.

  • Save your selections to access them later in 'My Saved Lists'.

Once your report is saved in your 'My Saved Lists' area, it can then be used to:

  • Generate the report again.

  • Create a Scheduled Report to be emailed to select staff members.

To access your previously saved report configurations, use the ‘My Saved Reports’ drop-down list in the top right corner of the Student Check In / Out List screen.

Check In / Out

Check In / Out Date

Use the ‘Check In / Out Date’ field to select the date range for your report.

Checked In Time

Checked Out Time

Use the ‘Checked In Time’ and ‘Checked Out Time’ fields to select the time range to be included in your report. 

Checked In

Select ‘Yes’ to generate the report for students who Checked In on the selected date or during the date range or period of time specified above.

Select ‘No’ to generate the report for students who did not check in on the selected date or during the date range or period specified above.

Leave Blank to generate all students.


Tick this checkbox to match either of the options selected in the ‘Checked In’ field OR the option selected in the ‘Checked Out’ field. 


For example, if the report is being run for yesterday with both the ‘Checked In’ and ‘Checked Out' fields set to ‘No’ and the 'OR' checkbox is ticked, you would expect to see records for students who meet the following criteria:

  • Students who didn't check in

  • Students who didn’t check out

  • Students who didn’t check in and didn’t check out

When the 'OR' checkbox is unticked, the report results will match both the option selected in the ‘Checked In’ field AND the chosen option in the ‘Checked Out’ field.  You would expect to see records for students who meet the following criteria:

  • Students who didn’t check in and didn’t check out

Checked Out

Select ‘Yes’ to generate the report for students who Checked Out on the selected date or during the date range or period of time specified above.

Select ‘No’ to generate the report for students who did not Check Out on the selected date or during the date range or period of time specified above.

Leave Blank to generate all students.

Exception Criteria

Click the ‘Show' link to display the available ‘Exception Criteria’ fields.

Use the Number Range Picker to search for results equal to, between, less than or greater than a specific number of ‘Days Not Checked In’ or ‘Days Not Checked Out’.

Student Searching

Use the 'Student Selection' drop-down list to include:

  • All students.

  • Students in the Year Group(s) for which you are the 'Head' or an 'Administrator'.

  • Students in the House(s) for which you are the 'Head' or an 'Administrator'.

  • Students in your PC/Tutor Group (if applicable).

  • Students in your subject classes.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Use the following programs to assign teachers to the following roles:

Head of Year

Year Administrators

Use TASS.web program Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the 'School Section Years' tab.

Head of House

House Administrators

Use TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Houses' tab.

PC/Tutor Groups

Use TASS.web program Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teacher Grid Entry or Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers.

Students are allocated into PC/Tutor Groups in Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Student Grid Entry.

Attendance Filters

Use the Attendance Filters to search for students present or absent at the first and last roll call period. 

Present at First Rollcall Period

When 'Yes' is selected, students who meet all of the following criteria will be included in the report:

  • No absence record for the day, and

  • Not marked as absent with the Absent Type applied to ‘Late Arrival’ in the Absentee Type Parameters and

  • Not marked as absent with the Absent Type applied to ‘Absent for Morning’ in the Absentee Type Parameters.

When 'No' is selected, students who meet one of the following criteria will be included in the report:

  • Has been marked as absent with the Absent Type applied to ‘Absent From School’ in the Absentee Type Parameters or

  • Has been marked as absent with the Absent Type applied to ‘Late Arrival’ in the Absentee Type Parameters or

  • Has been marked as absent with the Absent Type applied to ‘Absent for Morning’ in the Absentee Type Parameters.

Present at Last Rollcall Period

When 'Yes' is selected, students who meet all of the following criteria will be included in the report:

  • No absence record for the day, and

  • Not marked as absent with the Absent Type applied to ‘Early Departure’ in the Absentee Type Parameters and

  • Not marked as absent with the Absent Type applied to ‘Absent for Afternoon’ in the Absentee Type Parameters.

When 'No' is selected, students who meet one of the following criteria will be included in the report:

  • Has been marked as absent with the Absent Type applied to ‘Absent From School’ in the Absentee Type Parameters or

  • Has been marked as absent with the Absent Type applied to ‘Early Departure’ in the Absentee Type Parameters or

  • Has been marked as absent with the Absent Type applied to ‘Absent for Afternoon’ in the Absentee Type Parameters.

Absent Type

Use this filter to produce a report for students based on their Absence Type.  Use the picklist to select which Absence Types you wish to include in the report.


Use this filter to produce a report for students based on their Reason for an absence.  Use the picklist to select which Acceptance or Unacceptable Reasons you wish to include in the report.


By default, this list will sort the data by student name.

Select an alternative sorting option using the drop-down list in the ‘Sort by’ field.

Use the 'Then by' drop-down box to select up to four secondary sort orders.

Where applicable, you can also use the following icons:


Use this icon to change the sort order to ascending or descending.


Use this icon to include a subtotal for each section based on the sort order.


Use this icon to add a page break for each section based on the sort order.


Use this icon to remove a ‘Then by’ sort order level.

Export To

Select the document format for your report to be exported to, options include:

  • Export to PDF.

  • Export to Excel®.

  • Export to Word®.

Formatting Options

Use these options to enhance the appearance of your report.

  • Show Table Borders

  • Alternate Row Colours

  • Include Photos

The first drop-down list allows you to determine whether the report will display the students' 'Given Name', 'Preferred Name,' or 'Both'. 

The second drop-down list allows you to determine the orientation of your report and whether you want it to display in ‘Portrait’ or ‘Landscape’.

Additional Fields

Select 'Additional Fields' to include in the listing by highlighting them with a mouse click.

Hold down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options to select a range of Additional Fields.

Hold down the 'Ctrl' key while clicking on your options to select multiple Additional Fields.

The 'Student Code', 'Surname, 'Given and Preferred Names', 'Year Group', ‘Check In / Out Date’, ‘Check In Time’ and ‘Check Out Time’ fields are automatically included and are not available for selection.

Use the ‘Check In IP’ and ‘Check Out IP’ options to determine the computer's IP address used to facilitate the Student Check In / Out.

Report Title

Use this field to change the title at the top of your report.

For example, if this report was being printed for an individual student, you could change the name to 'Andy Clarke's Check In / Out Report'.

Click the 'Next' button to generate your report.

Save this Report as

Use this field to save your report as a template that can be accessed in the Staff Kiosk program Listings > My Saved Lists.

Once your report is saved in your 'My Saved Lists' area, it can then be used to:

  • Generate the report again.

  • Create a Scheduled Report to be emailed to select staff members.

User Permissions

To access this list, users will need the ‘-- Student Check In / Out List’ User Permissions assigned to them in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Access to the ‘All Students’ option in the ‘Student Selection’ picklist will require the ‘--Student Search’ permission.

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