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PUR - Purchasing Setup (SU)


'Purchasing Setup' is where system defaults and purchasing templates are defined.

These defaults are required to be set up before:

  • Teachers can enter requisitions using Staff Kiosk program Staff > Requisitions.

  • Administration staff can enter purchase orders using program Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Purchase Orders.

The parameters are set up in a multi-tabbed layout: 'Parameters', 'User Defined' and 'Delivery Points' tabs.

Click on the required tab to access fields and enter or view data.

Be sure you are fully conversant with these setups prior to saving when first setting up your school data.


Be aware that ALL records attached to these fields will be affected if changes are made to an existing setup. It is not a good idea to make a change to these parameters unless you are 100% sure of the outcome.

The program will operate in a viewing only mode until you select the 'Edit' button.

You are unable to 'Delete' 'Delivery Points' if they have been used in any purchase orders.

Parameters Tab

Purchasing Parameters

Fields that require further explanation

Next Purchase Order

This is a display-only field that indicates the 'Purchase Order Number' to be assigned to the next purchase order that is created. A number may be entered into this field when the setup is first completed. Once this number is entered and saved it cannot be altered.

Next Requisition

This is a display-only field that indicates the requisition number to be assigned to the next purchase requisition that is created in Staff Kiosk. This number will always start at 1 and cannot be altered.

Usual Delivery

This field displays the default 'Delivery Point'. The data entered into this field will be the default 'Delivery Point' displayed when creating purchase orders. The 'Usual Delivery' field must contain a valid delivery point setup in 'Delivery Points' tab.

Last Deletion

This is a display-only field.

Warn / prevent if budget exceeded

This field indicates whether a user will be warned or prevented from entering a 'PO Line' if it exceeds the budget of the 'General Ledger Account' the purchase is being distributed against.

Valid entries for this field are:

  • W — A warning will be displayed when account activity in the ledger account has exceeded X% of that accounts budget (where X is the percentage figure entered into the 'Early warning – Percent of budget' field – see below). Note that the activity includes both actual GL posting and any pre-existing purchase orders.

  • P — The user will be prevented from entering the 'PO Line' if the unit cost forces the GL account balance to exceed the budget amount. This is the same as 'Warning' except the user will be prevented from entering any further commitments for the nominated GL Account.

Budget number for commitment check

This field displays the budget code against which the purchase order entry checks the GL Account for available funds (remaining budget derived by comparing the expenditure to date and purchase order commitments outstanding against the total budget for the year). A GL Account can have up to 6 different budgets.

Early warning – percent of budget

This field displays the percentage rate used during purchase order entry to display a warning that this percentage of the budget has been used or prevent further commitments to be entered against that GL Account.

Staff Kiosk  Parameters

Minimum Level of Responsibility to Print POs

Teachers can print purchase orders using Staff Kiosk program Staff > Budgets.

They can only print orders for accounts that they have been assigned a GL Responsibility. They access the print function by clicking on a hyperlink in the 'COMMITTED' column.

This setup field is used to:

  • Indicate if your school will make the print purchase order facility available to teachers.

  • If it is made available, you can nominate the level of GL Responsibility required for a teacher to be able to print a purchase order. 

GL Responsibilities are set up for teachers and employees using TASS.web program Finance > General Ledger > Accounts & Journal Info > Account Responsibility Grid.

'Null' – leave this field blank to disable the print purchase order facility for teachers.

Set to '1', '2', or '3' to indicate the minimum level of GL Responsibility required for a teacher to be able to print a purchase order.

Include unprinted POs

Leave this checkbox unticked to allow teachers to only print purchase orders that have already been printed by an administrator using TASS.web program Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Purchase Orders or Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Print POs (flagged as 'Printed').

Tick this checkbox to allow teachers (who meet the criteria determined by 'Minimum level of Responsibility to print POs = 1, 2 or 3' above), to print purchase orders regardless of whether they have already been printed by an administrator using TASS.web program Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Purchase Orders or Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Print POs.

Allow requisitions against GL accounts with zero budgets

By default, Staff Kiosk program Staff > Requisitions will not allow the entry of a requisition against a GL account with a zero budget.

Tick this checkbox used to allow the entry of requisitions against GL accounts with zero budgets.

Display Available Funds when entering requisitions

Tick this checkbox to display the 'Available Funds' (remaining budget derived by comparing the expenditure to date and purchase order commitments outstanding against the total budget for the year) for the GL account that a requisition is being entered against.

This will appear on the requisition next to the 'Supplier Contact Name' field.

Email notifications to approvers when requisitions are raised

An approver is a teacher or employee who has been set up with a GL Responsibility of 3 for a particular GL account. 

GL Responsibilities are set up for teachers and employees using TASS.web program Finance > General Ledger > Accounts & Journal Info > Account Responsibility Grid.

If you tick this checkbox, Staff Kiosk program Staff > Requisitions will generate an email to the approver(s) for the GL Account associated with the requisition.

Email templates are managed in System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates.

Email notifications to requester when requisitions are approved

Requisitions are approved in Staff Kiosk program Staff > Requisitions or from Homepage (Left-menu) Requisitions to action.

Tick this checkbox if this program is to send an email back to the teacher or employee who created the original requisition.

System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates

Email notifications to Purchasing Contact when requisitions are approved

Tick this checkbox if Staff Kiosk program Staff > Requisitions is to send an email to the Purchase Order Contact when a requisition is approved.

It uses the contact set up in the fields directly below.

System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates

Contact Details


Use this field to store the name of the person who is the main contact for this module at your school.


This field will print on the purchase order generated through program Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Purchase Orders.

If this field is left blank then the purchase order will use the email address field in Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information.

It is also used as the address for email notifications from Staff Kiosk program Teacher > Requisitions when a requisition has been approved.


Use this field to store the fax number for your school.


Use this field to store the fax number for your school.


This field will print on the purchase order generated through program Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Purchase Orders.

User Defined Tab

'User Defined Fields' are fields that your school can customise to suit your school requirements. This screen is used to set them up for purchase records. These fields are referenced in Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Purchase Orders and in 'Teachers Kiosk' purchase requisitions.

UD (User Definable) fields enable greater flexibility for your school to create custom fields in your TASS database that may not necessarily be provided with the application.

To use a field, enter a field label of your preference into the description fields provided.

The 'Mandatory Flag' checkboxes indicate that the corresponding UD field must be filled out when creating a purchase order.

These labels will then be displayed for use in Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Purchase Orders.

There are 6 fields available to use within Purchasing:

  • 3 UD fields are tick box fields.

  • 3 UD fields are text fields.


Extreme caution should be exercised when changing these fields, as potentially you will be changing the data on a field across hundreds of purchasing records. This function will also allow the entry of a null value.

Delivery Points

This tab allows the creation and maintenance of 'Delivery Points' and displays all of the different 'Delivery Points' within the school.

Delivery points are used when creating purchase orders in Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Purchase Orders.

When there is more than one delivery point within the school (e.g. Junior Campus and Senior Campus) you can choose which point you would like to address the delivery to. This address will be used on the purchase order.

Select the 'New' button to enter a new 'Delivery Point'.

Select the 'Edit' or 'Delete' buttons to alter or remove previously made 'Delivery Points' entries.

Approval Limits

This tab allows you to set up and maintain up to 7 levels of approval with monetary limits.

These levels are used when approving purchase order requisitions through Staff Kiosk program Teacher > Requisitions.  

Select the 'New Approval Level' button to create a new approval level.

Enter the monetary limit (excluding GST) that this level can approve up to and click 'Save' to commit your entry to the database.

For example:
Level 3 can approve requisitions up to $500
Level 4 can approve requisitions up to $2,000
Level 5 can approve requisitions up to $5,000
Level 6 can approve requisitions up to no limit

Only the highest approval level can have the 'Approval Limit' left as blank and therefore have no limit to what can be approved.

You can alter the monetary approval limit by using the 'Edit' link in the 'Action' column.

The 'Delete' link will only be available on the highest approval level.

The 'No. Users' column will display how many users have been granted each approval level defined.

Click the hyperlink in the 'No. Users' column to display a list of users. A yellow alert icon will display against users who are non-current.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Approval levels are allocated to staff using the following programs:

User Limits

This tab allows you to set up and maintain monetary limits against users.

These limits are used when printing purchase orders through programs:

Select the 'New User Limit' button to enter a new monetary purchase order print limit for a user.

Select the 'Edit' or 'Delete' buttons to alter or remove a monetary purchase order print limit for a user.

If a user does not have a limit, then you would not set them up here.

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