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PUR - Purchase Orders


'Purchase Orders' is a multi-purpose program that can be used to:

  • Look-up existing purchase orders.

  • Add a new purchase order.

  • Modify and maintain existing purchase orders.

  • Print purchase order reports.

Sample of a printed Purchase Order (Click to download PDF sample).

Search Criteria

The Purchase Orders program opens on the Search Criteria screen. Click GO to open the PO List screen showing the full list of purchase orders or enter search criteria to view specific purchase orders.

Purchase orders that have been entered by teachers or other staff through the Staff Kiosk Requisitions program can be identified by using the dropdown list next to the 'Requisition' field and selecting 'With Requisition'.

PO List Screen

The PO List screen displays a list of purchase orders and key information. Records can be re-sorted by clicking on the heading links above the various fields displayed in the list.

A paperclip icon (left of the 'Action' column) indicates an attachment has been included.

New button

Select the '+New' button to open the 'Purchase Order' screen. This is discussed in detail below.

Print button

Select the 'Print' button to produce a report detailing purchase orders from the 'PO List' screen in PDF, Excel or Word.
Several sorting, formatting and layout options are available, along with optional Additional Fields to include on the standard report.

Focus is on the 'New' icon when the screen first loads, so simply press 'Enter' on your keyboard to open the 'Purchase Order' entry screen.

Viewing and Editing Purchase Orders

Select 'View' or 'Edit' from the Action column to open the Purchase Order screen where the details can be viewed/edited.

You can change the supplier on an existing purchase order providing the order has not been distributed to an invoice. A 'Change Supplier' icon will be available for these orders that have not been distributed to an invoice. It is not possible to change to the Miscellaneous or Parent Deposit Refund supplier.

Purchase Order Screen

The purchase order screen is divided into three separate sections:

  • Toolbar

  • Header

  • PO Lines grid


The top section of the screen contains the following:

Purchase Order

When adding a new purchase order, 'New' displays.

In View or Edit mode, the 'Purchase Order' number displays.

Purchase Order numbers are system allocated as each purchase order is added and cannot be changed.


When adding a new purchase order, the status field is left blank.

In View or Edit mode the status of the purchase order displays:

Outstanding - no invoices have been matched against the purchase order.
Partial - Part of the purchase order has been matched with one or more invoices.
Complete - The purchase order has been fully matched by one or more invoices or the purchase order has been cancelled.

The 'PO Status' displays after the purchase order has been saved to the database.

PO Printed

When adding a new purchase order, the PO Printed field is left blank.

In View or Edit mode, Yes or No displays to indicate if this purchase order has been printed, either from this program or using TASS.web Purchasing > Orders > Print POs.

Audit Button

Available in View or Edit mode only.

Use this button to access the history for each line item in an existing purchase order.
The following transactions are recorded against each line in each purchase order:

AA  -  PO line entered at time PO was created
VO  -  Supplier invoice entered against PO line
CQ  -  PO line quantity changed due to edit or cancellation
CP   -  PO line cost changes due to edit
AL   -  PO line entered after PO was created

Cancel Button

Available in Edit mode only.

Use this button to finalise existing purchase orders where there are still outstanding order quantities, but the goods will not be supplied.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

It will create two transactions on each purchase order line where there are outstanding amounts:

  • A CQ transaction reversing the original order quantity

  • A CQ transaction adding back the invoiced quantity.

Delete Button

Available in Edit mode only.

This button will remove the purchase order from the database altogether. It is not available on purchase orders that have line items with an invoiced quantity.

If the purchase order has been printed, a warning displays and you will need to confirm that you still want to proceed with deleting the purchase order.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

This button is a separate security point. It is recommended that it is not enabled for regular users and is only used under the supervision of a TASS support person.


Supplier Code

When adding a new purchase order, there are multiple options available for searching and/or entering the required 'Supplier Code'.

  1. Enter 4 characters or more of the code or description to display a picklist with the matching accounts will be displayed. Select the required supplier.

  2. Use the 'magnifying glass' icon to display the 'Supplier Search' screen.
    Search for the required supplier using criteria such as 'Code', 'Name', 'ABN' or 'Contact'. You can include wildcards in your search eg: *lucas*.
    Click on the required supplier.

  3. Key the 'Supplier Code' in.

After the required supplier has been selected, information derived from the Supplier record will populate the following display only fields:

-  ABN
-  Terms
-  Supplier Name & Address.

PO Date

New purchase orders default to the current date. Type the date directly into the field or use the calendar icon to choose from the calendar.

The date must fall within a period that is open in TASS.web General Ledger > Setup Information > Years and Periods.

Due Date

New purchase orders default to the current date. Type the date directly into the field or use the calendar icon to choose from the calendar.

This date cannot be before the 'PO Date'.


Enter the initials of the person from your school who is authorising this purchase order. This is a searchable field in the database therefore it is recommended that this field is completed.

If you are viewing or editing an existing purchase order that has come from a requisition, then the teacher/ employee code will be displayed in this field.

Requisition No

If you are viewing or editing a purchase order that originated as a Staff Kiosk requisition, the number will be displayed in this field. 

Requisitions are entered and approved using Staff Kiosk Staff > Requisitions.


Enter the supplier contact name.

If you are viewing or editing an existing purchase order that has come from a requisition, the name keyed in the 'Supplier Contact Name' on the requisition will be displayed in this field.

Deliver To

This field is automatically populated with the default delivery address.

Use the dropdown list select an alternative address or amend the address for this purchase order only.

   Eg: To include the person at the school who will receive the goods.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Delivery addresses are set up in TASS.web Purchasing > Setup Information > Purchasing Setup on the 'Delivery Points' tab. The default delivery address is set up in the 'Usual Delivery' field on the 'parameters' tab.


Use this to attach up to 5 files that contain supporting documentation for this purchase order.

   Eg:  A scanned PDF of a quotation.

Two options are available to attach a file to this purchase order:

    • Drag and drop a file from your computer

    • Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

Entered By/On

The code of the user who enters a purchase order, and the date, are recorded and display in View and Edit modes only.


A comment regarding the purchase order may be entered, up to 250 characters.

Additional Fields

Your school may have created additional fields that will appear under the 'Comment' line.

   Eg:  'Budget Checked', 'PO Policy Followed' check boxes.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

These fields are set up in TASS.web Purchasing > Setup Information > Purchasing Setup on the 'User Defined' tab. There are 3 check box fields and 3 free-form text fields available.

PO Lines grid

Use the 'PO Line' grid to enter new line items for the purchase order. or view existing line items.

To maintain existing line items, click on 'Edit' or 'Delete' in the 'Action' column.

+ Add PO Line

Displays when adding a new purchase order and in Edit mode.

This button opens the 'PO Line Entry' screen. Explained in detail the next section.

  •  Cost Inc Tax

If this box is checked the program will calculate the tax as being included based on 'Order Quantity' by 'Unit Cost'.

Order Quantity

Tax Code

Unit Cost

Unit Tax

Line Total


AO (10%)




If this box is unchecked the program will calculate the tax as being added based on 'Order Quantity' by 'Unit Cost'.

Order Quantity

Tax Code

Unit Cost

Unit Tax

Line Total


AO (10%)




This setting applies to all PO lines on the purchase order.


If there are a large number of lines on a single purchase order an alternative to keying each line in manually is to use the 'Upload' button.

Step 1

  • Prepare an Excel spreadsheet with the following columns:

   Column 'A' must contain a valid 'GL Account Code' for each purchase order line.
   Column 'B' must contain a 'Description' for each purchase order line (up to 4000 characters).
   Column 'C' must contain the 'Order Quantity' for each purchase order line.
   Column 'D' must contain the 'Unit Cost' for each purchase order line.
   Column 'E' must contain the 'Cost Incl Tax Flag' for each purchase order line (Y/N).
   Column 'F' must contain the 'Tax Code' for each purchase order line.

  • Save it in a comma-delimited (CSV) format.

Currency formats must be removed from this sheet. In Excel, go Edit > Clear > Formats.

Make sure there are no commas anywhere in the cells.

Step 2

  • Click the 'Upload' button and then the 'Choose' button to locate the CSV file created in Step 1.

  • Click 'GO' to start the upload. 

All records from the CSV file will be uploaded and displayed in the 'PO Lines Grid'.  For each record, the 'Unit Tax' and 'Line Total' will be calculated.

When data is invalid or missing, a red warning icon will be displayed.  These errors can be fixed by:

  • editing the line in the PO Lines grid or

  • editing the CSV file and repeating the upload process.

 A yellow alert icon will be displayed where there is a budget warning.

PO Line Entry screen

GL Account

When adding a new PO line, the default 'GL Account' is derived from the supplier record.

If you need to change this, multiple options are available for searching and/or entering a different 'GL Account':

  1. Enter 4 characters or more of the 'Code' or 'Description' to display a picklist with the matching accounts. Choose from this.

  2. Use the magnifying glass icon to display the 'GL Account Search' screen. Search for the required account using criteria such as 'Account Code', 'Description', 'Type' or 'Tax Code'. You can include wildcards in the 'Account Code' and 'Description' fields in your search eg: *library*.
    Click on the required account.

  3. Key the 'Account Code' in. There is no need to include dashes.

Item Reference

This can be optionally printed on the purchase order. It appears in the line item area with a preface of 'Item Ref:'

Supplier Reference

This can be optionally printed on the purchase order and would be used to identify to the supplier their product number.

Line description

Up to 4,000 characters.

Order Quantity

Maximum value is 99,999.99.

Tax Code

A default tax code is automatically inserted, taken from the 'GL Account' (if this is null then it is taken from the supplier).  

To select an alternative code, use the 'Dropdown List' icon to the left of this field.

Unit Cost

Maximum value is 9,999,999.9999

Unit tax

This will be calculated based on the 'Cost Incl Tax' tick box on the 'PO Line Grid' and the 'Tax Code' above.

It would be rare to overwrite this calculated figure (except for a mixed tax transaction).

Line Total

System calculated.

Invoice Quantity

This is a display only field. For existing purchase order lines, it will display the quantity of items that have had supplier invoices applied against them.

Click the 'Save' button to add this line to the purchase order.


The system will check the amount of the 'Line Total' less tax, against the budget for the 'GL Account'. Two potential warning messages will be returned:

  1. 'Error: Account is over budget'.  If this message is returned you will not be able to save the purchase order line.

  2. 'Warning: Account is over budget.  Would you like to continue?'.  You will need to respond before proceeding.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

Use TASS.web Finance > Purchasing > Setup Information > Purchasing Setup on the 'Parameters' tab to set up the mode of budget checking.

Saving and Printing/Emailing the Purchase Order

After you have added and checked the purchase order lines, click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the 'PO Lines' screen.
A confirmation message will appear with the system allocated purchase order number and a prompt whether to print. 

You can either:

  • Print/email the purchase order immediately, or

  • Print/email in a batch later using TASS.web Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Print POs.

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