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Parent Records (PAR)


Using the latest browser-based technology TASS.web Parent Records module will allow your school to easily design, maintain, and then deploy your parent records to essential people at your school. This single access point allows you to view or edit general, address, school definable and note information. A link in the Child Details tab allows you to view the student/s record, make changes if necessary, save and return to the Parent Record, saving valuable time.

Featuring many school-definable data areas this module allows you to customise your parent record to fit your own requirements. This can be a useful filter when creating a listing of parents to target for an appointment or activity, such as a P & F Meeting.

Contact a parent from within the TASS.web Parent Record by copying any one of the 20 available parent addresses to the clipboard for mailing letters or create an email to the parent with a click of a button.

Use a 'spreadsheet' style for entry and editing of multiple parent records using data grids. This provides your school with a great tool to manage your data quickly and simply.

Parents can now update their own details across the Internet with TASS Parent Lounge. The changes do not directly update the database — the details are presented for school administration staff to overview before being committed to the database.

TASS.web allows your school to get rid of paper-based student files with the document attachment feature. Using the TASSdoc function you can now attach scanned documents to parent notes. Once the document has been attached even if the original source document is deleted, TASS.doc will preserve a secure copy.

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