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PAR - Parent Summary


This program will automatically calculate and display three graphs:

  1. Current Parents by Occupation (3D Bar Chart).

  2. Current Parents by Parent Type (3D Pie Chart).

  3. Current Parents by Postcode (3D Pie Chart).

In the bar chart for Current Parents by Occupation, the vertical axis represents the number of parents for each Occupation Code shown on the horizontal axis.

You can choose the 'Grouped' option to display two separate bars for each parent or select the 'Stacked' option to show a single bar that combines both parents' data. Additionally, the ‘Parent Occupations’ option allows you to display or hide parent data from the bar chart.

 Hover your mouse over the individual shaded areas on the bars to view tooltips that provide information about the occupation and qualitative statistics for each parent sample. Similarly, the slices on each pie chart also have tooltips that display qualitative statistics for the corresponding parent sample.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The parents represented in these charts are determined by the 'Person Position 1 and 2' and 'Person Labels' settings in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the ‘Addresses’ tab.

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