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How to Upload Timetable and Subject Data from Timetabler


It is important to be aware that when you use the TASS.web Timetable in conjunction with Timetabler, there needs to be elements of consistency between this external package and TASS.web.

Users should be aware of how TASS.web is set up and operates in the following areas:

  • Scope of Subjects Defined.

  • Year Groups.

  • Subject Codes and Class Codes.

  • Teacher Codes.

  • Room Codes.

  • Defined Days.

  • Periods Defined for each day.

  • Student Codes.

Scope of Subjects Defined

Subjects are defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Students Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects' tab. If a Subject is referenced in Timetabler, then it must be defined in TASS.web.

Year Groups

The Year Groups used in TASS.web must also be referenced with the same year group numbers in Timetabler. The field 'Roll Class' in Timetabler must be set up with the same year groups as in TASS.web.


Do not use the 'Roll Class' field in Timetabler to also identify the class group, e.g. 8A. This field must also NOT be left blank unless your timetable is set to unitised or vertical.

Subject Codes and Class Codes

The subject code in Timetabler must identify both the subject and the class group, e.g. the code 'ENGA' May be used for English class group A. However, in TASS.web these are stored in different fields, e.g. The Subject Code '0001' may be used to identify English with the code 'A' to identify the Class Group within this subject.

TASS.web requires you to define a translation table (TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > External Data Interface > Define Subject/Class Translations) which defines the TASS.web Subject Code and Class Code for each of the Subject Codes used in Timetabler.


Subject Codes used within Timetabler must be strict alphanumeric codes. Do not have spaces or any special characters in these code fields even if it is allowed in Timetabler.

Subject Codes used within Timetabler must be no more than ten characters in length, even though Timetabler allows up to 15 characters.

Do not leave the 'Subject' and 'Class' code fields blank in Timetabler.

Teacher Code

The same Teacher Codes must be used in TASS.web and Timetabler. Teacher Codes in TASS.web may be up to 3 alphanumeric characters in length and must be unique (TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers).


Teacher Codes within Timetabler must be strict alphanumeric codes. Do not have spaces or special characters in these code fields even if they are allowed in Timetabler.

Do not leave the 'Teacher Code' field blank in Timetabler.

Teacher Codes used within Timetabler must be no longer than 3 characters in length, even though Timetabler allows up to 15 characters.

Room Code

The same Room Codes must be used in TASS.web and Timetabler. Room Codes in TASS.web may be up to 4 alphanumeric characters in length and must be unique (TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup in the 'Rooms' tab).


Room Codes within Timetabler must be strict alphanumeric codes. Do not have spaces or any special characters in these code fields even if they are allowed in Timetabler.

Do not leave the 'Room Code' field blank in Timetabler. 

Room Codes used within Timetabler must be no more than 4 alphanumeric characters in length, even though Timetabler allows up to 15 characters.


The days defined and referenced in Timetabler must be defined within TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup in the 'Days' tab.


The Periods defined and referenced in Timetabler must be defined within TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup in the 'Periods' tab.

Student Code

Where you wish to import student subject selections and subject class allocations into TASS.web from Timetabler, then the TASS.web Student Codes must also be used in Timetabler to identify each student.

In essence, there must be a high degree of consistency between TASS.web and Timetabler before the timetable data can be imported into TASS.web. The import process uses the externally generated timetable data to formulate the 'Master Timetable' within TASS.web. Each row or record in the TASS.web Master Timetable comprises:

  1. Day Code.

  2. Period Code.

  3. Subject Code.

  4. Class Code.

  5. Year Group (Year Group is not used if the Timetable is unitised).

  6. Room Code.

  7. Teacher Code.

These seven fields make up what we term a 'cell' within the TASS.web Master Timetable. Each cell within the Master Timetable must conform to this framework and MUST have a valid entry for each field. If for example, you wish to timetable 'Form Class' as a lesson, the 'Form Class' must be first set up as a subject then linked to each student it is to effect. Additionally, teachers must be defined who take each Form Class.

There are a number of complex issues in linking externally generated timetable data into TASS.web. These areas should be fully explored with your TASS Support Staff Member if you are unsure of their ramifications.

Create Export Files from the Timetabler

Timetabler allows for the export of timetable and student subject data to text files which can be uploaded into TASS.web. Refer to the user documentation supplied with Timetabler if you require any more information on creating these files.

Exporting the Master Timetable

The text file TTABLE.TXT can be exported from Timetabler. This file contains the Master Timetable. Each row in this file comprises at least 6 fields and up to 12 fields depending upon a school's configuration set within Timetabler, the first six fields are always:

  1. Day.

  2. Period.

  3. Roll Class.

  4. Subject/Class.

  5. Room.

  6. Teacher.

In Timetabler Version 3 and Version 4, The TTABLE.TXT file is generated by selecting the 'save' button on the home page. You need to respond with 'Yes' when asked if you want the export file.

The TTABLE.TXT file will be saved in Timetabler area on your system, and you will then need to note where the file has been saved to locate the file when you are ready to upload.

In Timetabler Version 5, to make this process easier for you, the TTABLE.TXT file is generated by selecting the Database Menu on the Timetable Development home page, then the item, Save (Include Export Files). You will then be given a message saying that your files have been saved, click OK, then you will be prompted to choose a folder to save the export files into. Select the folder then click OK. If your school is on the optional Software Maintenance Agreement with Timetabling Australia, this folder is automatically remembered, and you are prompted to it the next time you want to export files to TASS.web.

Users of earlier versions of Timetabler should contact Timetabling Australia on 03 5241 9801.

Exporting Student Subjects

The text file SCOURSE.TXT can be exported from Timetabler. This file contains the subject information for each Student.

For Timetabler versions prior to Version 4, each row in this file comprises four fields:

  1. 'Student Code'.

  2. 'Student Name'.

  3. 'Roll Class'.

  4. 'Class/Subject'.

For Timetabler Version 4 and Version 5, each row in this file comprises by default eight fields:

  1. 'Student Code'.

  2. 'Student Name'.

  3. 'Roll Class'.

  4. 'Class/Subject'.

  5. 'Gender'.

  6. 'House'.

  7. 'Home Group'.

  8. 'Year Level'.

There will be one row in this file for each subject for each student.

Your school may have had Timetabler configured to have extra fields added; the first eight fields are always as that shown above.

In Timetabler Version 3 and Version 4, the SCOURSE.TXT file is generated when the 'File | Student Classes' item is chosen and then any 'save' button is selected (before leaving the 'File | Student Classes' item).

The SCOURSE.TXT file will be saved in the Timetabler area on your system, and you will then need to note where the file has been saved to locate the file when you are ready to upload.

In Timetabler Version 5, to make this process easier for you, the TTABLE.TXT file is generated by selecting the Database Menu on the Timetable Development home page, then the item, Save (Include Export Files). You will then be given a message saying that your files have been saved, click 'OK', then you will be prompted to choose a folder to save the export files into. Select the folder then click 'OK'. If your school is on the optional Software Maintenance Agreement with Timetabling Australia, this folder is automatically remembered, and you are prompted to it the next time you want to export files to TASS.

Users of earlier versions of Timetabler should contact Timetabling Australia on 03 5241 9801.

Importing the Master Timetable into TASS.web

Follow the steps in this section to import the master timetable file into TASS.web

This step-by-step guide describes the correct completion of steps within TASS.web

Refer to the 'Exporting the Master Timetable' section of this document (above) for a brief guide to creating the master timetable export file from Timetabler.


The steps must be completed in this order. Do not proceed to the next step until you have completely finished each step. 

Define Import Format

TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > External Data Interface > Define Import Format.

The master timetable file (TTABLE.TXT) generated by Timetabler usually contains 9 or 10 fields of data for each row in the file.

An example of a valid row within this file is: '1','3','12','ENGA','P42','AJ','??','??','??' etc.

General Tab

The following fields will need to contain the following data in the 'General' tab:



Total Number of Fields in Import Record

Usually, 9 or 10 depending upon the configuration set in the Timetabler.

To check this, you may need to look at the file TTABLE.TXT with Notepad or Wordpad.

Imported data fields are delimited with 


Imported data strings are quoted 

Y/N Flag field.

To check this, you may need to look at the file TTABLE.TXT with Notepad or Wordpad.



Not Quoted1, 3, 12, ENGA, P42, AJ

Imported data records are delimited with 


Use subject/class translations 


Fields Tab

The following fields will need to contain the following data in the 'Fields' tab:

Import from Field Number

Into Column









Select 'Save' to commit your entry and/or changes to the TASS.web database.

Define Subject/Class Translations

TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > External Data Interface > Define Subject/Class Translations.

This program provides for the setup of a table of translations for each subject code used in Timetabler into the TASS.web Subject Code and the Class Group identifier.


It is important that you define the translation within TASS.web for every code used in Timetabler before proceeding with any upload of data.

For example, Code 'ENGA' used in Timetabler might translate in TASS.web to subject code '0001' class group 'A'.

Import Data

TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > External Data Interface > Import Data.

This program allows you to upload the file TTABLE.TXT that you exported from Timetabler.

General Tab

The following fields will need to contain the following data in the 'General' tab:

Import from Field Number

Into Column


The timetable defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Timetable Definitions' tab to which you wish to import this data.


Only applicable in Multi-Timetable mode.


The year defined against the timetable selected in the previous step.

Semester / Term 

The term/semester defined against the aforementioned year as defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup.

Year Group 

The nominated year group for which to filter the records being uploaded.

If used, then only the records in the file that contain the year group will be loaded into the system.

File Name 

Select the 'Browse' button and navigate to locate the correct file. Select the file and click 'Open' to select the file.

Select the 'GO' button to proceed with uploading the file.

This program will check that there is data in all 6 fields in every row of this file — this includes the teacher and room codes. It also checks that all Timetabler subject codes have translations defined in the 'Define Subject Class/Translations' screen. Any rows that fail this initial validation will NOT be imported. The system will provide a report that lists the exceptions.

You can either fix the data back in the external timetable package and start the whole upload process again, or you can proceed with the upload 'as is'.

Validate Imported Data

This program goes through the imported data and checks each row and field to ensure that data is valid.

If validation errors are found, these rows will be displayed on the screen highlighted in yellow. You can fix these validation issues on the screen by using the 'Edit' or 'Delete' Action links.  Alternatively, you can correct the data back in Timetabler and re-import the file again.

The 'Print' tab enables the user to print an 'Exception Report' containing the records that are not valid. 

If the validation is successful, a message will be displayed, and you will be taken automatically to the 'Generate Master Timetable' program.

Generate Master Timetable

Run this program to take the validated data and generate the actual timetable cells in the TASS.web Master Timetable Table (ttmast).

The following fields will need to contain the following data in the 'General' tab:

Import from Field Number

Into Column


The timetable definition previously defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Timetable Definitions' tab.


Only applicable in Multi-Timetable mode.


The year previously defined and relevant to your selected timetable mode.

Semester / Term 

The term/semester previously defined and relevant to your selected timetable mode.

Year Group

Year group against which to generate the master timetable. If a 'Year Group' is not provided then the Timetable uploaded will replace the Timetable data currently in TASS for the nominated Timetable.

Select the 'GO' button to proceed with generating the Master Timetable.

If there is existing data in the selected Year/Semester, a warning will be displayed. 

Press 'OK' to proceed with the import which will replace the existing timetable data for the Year/Semester OR click 'Cancel' to abort the import.


The timetable being uploaded will replace any timetable data that currently exists for that timetable being uploaded, i.e. The timetable being replaced will be deleted. 

The master timetable has now been imported into TASS.web.

Importing Student Subjects

Follow the steps in this section to import the student subjects' file into TASS.web

This step-by-step guide describes the correct completion of steps within TASS. Refer to the 'Exporting Student Subjects' section of this document above for a brief guide to creating the student subjects export file from Timetabler.


The steps must be completed in this order. Do not proceed to the next step until you have completely finished each step. 

Import Student Subject Data

The file SCOURSE.TXT will have one row per student/subject with Field #1 being the student code and field #4 being the subject and class code (e.g. 'ENGA').


  • For Timetabler Versions prior to Version 4: '18992','Bell Andrew','12','ENGA'

  • For Timetabler Version 4 and Version 5: '18992','Bell Andrew','12','ENGA','M','BA','5','12' 


Field numbers 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 must be in this file but are ignored in the upload and therefore can either be empty or can have any data.

The records for each student must be sorted together in the upload file (if not, do not use upload option 3 – see below).

This program takes the SCOURSE.TXT file that you exported from Timetabler and loads it into the TASS.web student subject table. The file can reside anywhere on your network provided you can navigate to it.

General Tab

The following fields will need to contain the following data in the 'General' tab:



Year of Study

The required timetable year into which to import the student subject data.

Current Semester 

The required term/semester within the timetabled year into which to import the student subject data.

Total Number of Fields in Import Record

4 or 8.

Refer above to The Timetabler Version Number, or the number of fields can be checked by using Notepad or WordPad.

Imported data fields are delimited with 


Imported data strings are quoted 

Y is default or N if the user has changed it.

Imported data records are delimited with 


Use subject/class translations 


Import File 

Select the 'Browse' button and navigate to the correct file to be uploaded.

File Format 

Select the 'The Timetabler Format' option to indicate The Timetabler file type.

Import Options 

Select from the following options:

  • Preserve Existing Data:
    This option will preserve existing student subject data in TASS.web and therefore will only add new subject records that do not currently exist for each student.

  • Overwrite existing with new data:
    This option will overwrite the existing data with new data. For example, if a student's TASS.web record shows English Class A and the upload file has English Class B, then the TASS.web record will be updated to English Class B. It will also add new subject records that do not currently exist for each student.

  • Remove ALL existing and create new:
    This option will initially delete all TASS.web subject records for the chosen year and semester for each student in the upload file. It will then upload the new subject records.

Take great care when using this option. It should NOT be used for a year and semester where student results and comments have already been entered.

  • Remove all existing EXCLUDING non-timetabled:
    This option will remove all existing subject records, excluding those that are non-timetabled.

Note that the difference between Option 2 and 3 is that with Option 2 existing subject records in TASS that are not referenced in the upload file will be left unchanged in TASS.

Each row in the import file will be cross-referenced against the TASS.web student codes and valid subject/class translations before being uploaded. Invalid rows will NOT be imported, and an exception report will be generated with detail of the records failing the validation process.

Select the 'GO' button to proceed with importing student subject data.

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