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TT - Define Subject/Class Translations


The Timetable ‘Define Subject/Class Translations’ program is used to set up and maintain the subject/class translations for each source subject code and class defined in the external timetable package (e.g. Edval, Timetabler® or Timechart®) and the target subject codes and classes in TASS.web.

Target subject codes defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the ‘Subjects’ tab.


If you have set the 'Use subject/class translations' flag to 'Yes' in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > External Interface > Define Import Format then you must set up a subject/class translation within TASS.web for every code used in the external timetable package before proceeding with the data upload.

To view Subject/Class Translations that exist where a subject has been made inactive, click the 'Include Inactive' button.

Adding Subject/Class Translations

To add a new subject/class translation definition, click on the 'Add New Definition' button to display the 'Subject Class Translation Definitions' screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Editing Subject/Class Translations

To 'View', 'Edit' or 'Delete' a subject/class definition, click on the associated link. The 'Subject Class Translation Definitions' screen is then populated with detail of your chosen selection.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Update' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Fields that require detailed information

Ext. Package Code

The unique subject/class code as defined in the external package.

Enter up to 19 characters.

One example may be 'ENGA'. This may correspond to English Class A.


The corresponding TASS.web subject code.

For example, 'ENGA' may translate to TASS.web subject code '0001' – English.


The class group against which the imported data should be translated.

You may also choose to delete a subject/class definition. Click the 'Delete' link, followed by the 'Delete' button to delete the chosen subject/class definition from your TASS.web database. You will then be prompted with a message box confirming your choice.

Uploading Subject Class Translations

An alternative to updating subject class translations manually (as described directly above) is to prepare a file using a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet, save it as a .csv file and use the 'Upload' button to load the subject class translation data into the timetable.


To view the 'Upload' button the 'Define Subject/Class Translation - Upload button' permission under the Timetable heading needs to be assigned.  Use TASS.web System Admin > Users > User Maintenance to update User Permissions.

The upload caters for loading new subject class translations and removing existing subject class translations.

The upload process includes on-screen checking before proceeding and generates an audit trail style report that displays 'old' subject class translations and 'new' subject class translations.


The spreadsheet must be saved in comma-delimited (CSV) format and contain the following columns:


Field Name

Field Type/Size

Field Description


External Package Code

1 to 19 characters



TASS Subject Code

15 characters



Subject Class

1 to 2 characters


  1. The sheet must NOT have header or footer rows.

  2. All formats must be removed from this sheet (Within Microsoft Excel® go Edit > Clear > Formats).

  3. You must have data in all three cells on every row.

After you click the 'Upload' button, the 'Subject/Class Translation Upload' screen will be displayed. 

Use the 'Browse' button to locate the .csv file that you intend to upload.  

Select one of the following 'Import options':

Import Options

This selection determines how any pre-existing data will be processed in the import process. This can be any one of the following options:

  1. Preserve existing data — This option will only add new subject class translation records that do not already exist.

  2. Remove all existing subject class translation records and create new — This option will initially delete all subject class translation records and will then upload the new subject class translation records.

Click the 'Next' button.

The system will validate the file to ensure that it meets the format described above.

If validation is successful, the program will display the subject class translation data that will be uploaded.

Subject class translation descriptions that have been removed using option 2 above will also be displayed.

Check that your updates are correct and click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

If validation is unsuccessful, the program will produce an exception report. You will need to address the issues in the .csv file and re-import the data.

If you have a lot of subject class translations to update a suggested methodology is to:

Use the 'Print' button to produce an Excel® file with your existing subject class translations using the 'Export to Upload File' formatting option.

Make the required changes in Excel® and save the worksheet as a .csv file.

Use the 'Upload' button to load the changed subject class translations into the timetable.  

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