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TT - Define Import Format


The Define Import Format for Timetable program is where you must define the physical characteristics of the import file.


For any import to be successful, the import format, layout and field mapping must conform to the TASS.web internal timetable structure.

General Tab

Fields that require detailed information

Total number of fields in import record

This field represents the total number of fields generated by the external package for each row in the import file. This count is to include the total number of fields per row, even fields that are not to be imported.

If this is unknown, you may open the file in Notepad® or WordPad® to check, also taking note of the character used to delimit (separate) each field.

Imported data fields are delimited with

The character used to delimit (separate) the fields, (typically a comma ',').

Imported data strings are quoted

Yes/No field to indicate whether the field representation is encapsulated within quotes (i.e. “”).

Imported data records are delimited with

The delimiter (separator) used for each record (row) within the import file. Valid values are:

  • CR/LF (Carriage Return and Left Flush)

  • LF (Left Flush)

  • CR (Carriage Return)

CR/LF is the most common delimiter used.

Use subject/class translations

Yes/No field to indicate whether you would like to translate the externally generated subject class identifiers into those used within TASS.web.
If the externally generated subject class identifiers are the same as those used within TASS.web, there is no need to use the subject/class translations.


If you select 'Yes', set up the translations in Student Admin > Timetable > External Data Interface > Define Subject / Class Translations and, on the Fields tab, define the Import From Field Number value for the Class Code to blank.

If you select 'No', you must define the Import From Field Number value for the Class Code.

Fields Tab

Map the fields in the upload file generated by the external package to the corresponding fields in the TASS.web database. This screen contains two columns – 'Import From Field' and 'Into Column'.

A sample of the data mapping used here may be:

Import From Field Number

Into Column


Day Code


Period Code

(Not used if the Timetable is Unitised)

Year Group


Subject Code

Room Code


Teacher Code

(optional, see above section on 'Subject Class translations'.)

Class Code

Enter your required mappings and click the 'Save' button to proceed with your data import. A dialogue will display, confirming your choices.

Click 'OK' to proceed or cancel to change your mappings.


The data defined in this section is used by both Student Admin > Timetable > External Data Interface > Import Data, and Student Admin > Timetable > External Data Interface > Import Student Subject Data. It is therefore important to ensure that the configuration and data defined here is accurate before proceeding with your data import.

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