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How to Finalise the Record of a Student Leaving Mid-Year

Use this checklist to finalise the record of a student who has withdrawn from enrolment and is departing the school mid-year.

If the student is departing at the end of the school year, follow the Student Records End of Year Processes Checklist.

This process will change the Student Record from ‘Current’ to ‘Non-Current’ and create a Past Student record. If the student is the only or last one from their family at the school, the associated Parent Record will also be flagged as ‘Non-Current’ after the 'Date of Leaving' has passed.

Click here for more information about 'Current' and 'Non-Current' Students.

A student is considered as a ‘Current Student’ if:

  • Their ‘Date of Entry’ is less than or equal to the current date.

  • Their ‘Date of Leaving’ is blank or greater than or equal to the current date.

A Current Student’s profile can be maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students.

The term ‘Non-Current Student’ includes both ‘Past Students’ (those with a past leaving date) and Future Students (those with a future entry date).

  • A ‘Past Student’ has left the school, has a ‘Date of Leaving’ in the past, and may also have a ‘Past Student’ record. Past Student records can be maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students and TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students. When students leave the school, their profile is retained and can be maintained in both the Past Students and Student Records sections of TASS.web Student Admin.

  • A ‘Future Student’ has completed the enrolment process and has a future ‘Date of Entry.’ Future Student records can be maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students.


Menu Path



TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students.

Locate the Student Record of the departing student using the search Student Picker, then:

  1. Click 'Edit'.

  2. Enter their 'Date of Leaving'.

  3. Update the 'Next Year' status field.


Use this status for students who have left the school and have a 'Date of Leaving' that is earlier than the current date. Students with a 'Date of Leaving' earlier than the current date will automatically be assigned this status.


Use this status when you have received advanced notice that a student will not be returning next year or will be leaving on a specified future date. After the ‘Date of Leaving' has passed, the student's 'Next Year' field status will be automatically updated overnight through a scheduled task and changed to 'Finished.’

4. Click ‘Save’.

The student will be considered ‘Current' until their 'Date of Leaving' has passed. After that, they will be a 'Non-Current’ student.

Click ‘Edit’ to add any additional information about the student's departure, such as their reason for leaving or the name of their next school. Each school has specific procedures for documenting this, so be sure to consult your school's guidelines.

You could enter departure-related data in the Student Record under the 'UD,' 'UD Areas,' or 'Notes' tabs or in the Past Student Record (see Step 4).

Victorian Schools only must also update the ‘Exit Status’ field on the 'VSR' tab.



Staff Kiosk Staff > Learning Support.

Any associated Support and Class Plans in the Learning Support module should be set to 'inactive'.

This can be done from Staff Kiosk Staff > Learning Support. Tick the checkbox for each student that is leaving, click the ‘Bulk Actions’ button, then click 'Set to Inactive'.

A ‘red warning’ icon will display next to students with a Date of Leaving entered in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students to indicate they are no longer current at the school.


TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Year End Processing > Transfer Students to Past.

Set the 'Include Students with Date of Leaving up to' field to a date that is the same as or later than the 'Date of Leaving' entered in Step 1.

Update the other fields according to your school’s preferences. For more information, refer to the Transfer Students to Past article.

Click ‘Next'.

Ensure the departing student's name appears in the list that is displayed on the screen, then click ‘GO’.

This menu path option may be run at any stage and will create a master record in the Past Students module for any student with a 'Date of Leaving' prior to the nominated date.



TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students.

Using the Past Student Picker, locate the Past Student Record you created in the previous step.

Click ‘Edit’ to add any additional information about the student's departure, such as their reason for leaving or the name of their next school. Each school has specific procedures for documenting this, so be sure to consult your school's guidelines.

You could enter departure-related information in the 'Notes' or 'User Defined' tabs of the Past Student Record or directly in the Student Record (see Step 1).



Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner.


If your school uses Progressive Assessment, any activities that were assigned to a student while they were current will still be assigned to them in the Staff Kiosk. Teachers will need to update each assigned activity manually.

Using the Activity Planner program, there are several ways to remove a student from an Assessment Activity:

  1. Remove the Student from the Activity. Click on the Activity Name to open the Activity Assessment screen. In the row corresponding to the student's name, select ‘Assess’ and then click the ‘Remove this Student’ button.

  1. Mark the Student as Absent. Click on the Activity Name to open the Activity Assessment screen. In the row for the student’s name, update the ‘Activity Status’ column to mark it as ‘This student was Absent from this Activity.’

  1. Mark the Student as Exempt. Click on the Activity Name to open the Activity Assessment screen. In the row for the student’s name, update the ‘Activity Status’ column to mark it as ‘Exempt.’

Your choice may vary based on the stage of the Activity Assessment and Reporting process you are in, as well as whether you want the Activity to contribute to the Final Results and Overall Subject Grades in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook.

Each school may have specific preferences, so please consult your school's guidelines for more information on which option to select.


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