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STR - VSR Tab (Victorian Schools)

VSR (Victorian Schools) Tab Overview

The Victorian State Government has approved the implementation of a Victorian Student Number (VSN) that will be issued to all students enrolled at a Victorian School. The Victorian Student Number, a nine-digit unique identifier will be issued by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD).

The Victorian Student Number project will enable the State Government to accurately trace student movement within the Victorian education system. A central system defined as the Victorian Student Register will facilitate the recording of student movement and VSN allocation. Additionally, Schools will be required to communicate certain student record information to the Victorian Student Register to enable effective maintenance of student movements and identifying details.

For details on how to set up for the VSR refer to 'How to Setup and Run the Victorian Student Registration Integration Facility'.

Fields that require detailed information

Student VSN

This is the 9-digit Victorian Student Number as issued by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD).

First Name

By default, the 'First Name' field is set to the first word of the 'Given Name' field on the 'General' tab of the student's record.

The 'First Name' field is used when transactions are created by program Student Admin > Students > Student Information > VSR Batches.


The value in this field does not flow through to any other program within TASS.web.

Middle Name

By default, the 'Middle Name' field is set to any additional words that exist beyond the first word of the 'Given Name' field on the 'General' tab of the student's record.

The 'Middle Name' field is used when transactions are created by program Student Admin > Students > Student Information VSR Batches.

The value in this field does not flow through to any other program within TASS.web.

Enrolled Before

Enter 'Yes' if the student has been previously enrolled in a Victorian School.  If the VSN number is known, enter it into the 'Student VSN' field.

Access Restriction

Refer to DEECD guidelines.

Time Fraction at School

Refer to DEECD guidelines.

Exclude from VSR

If set to 'Yes', the student will not be included in transactions sent to VSR.

Example: International students.

Exit Status

This field will only become active (and mandatory) when the student has been given a 'Date of Leaving' on the 'General' tab of the student's record.

Select the status from the drop-down list.

VSR Transactions

This section of the 'VSR' tab will display a list of unprocessed and processed VSR transactions for the selected student.

Click the 'View' link in the 'Action' column for transaction details.

Click the 'Print' button at the top of the screen to produce a listing with the student's VSN details and VSR transactions.

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