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Adding a New Custom Roll

To add a new Custom Roll, click the '+New' button in the toolbar of the Custom Rolls screen.

Create Custom Roll

Fields that require detailed information:

Roll Description

Up to 70 characters


Indicates the date for this custom roll.

This field will automatically default to the current date.


Indicates the time for this custom roll.

This field will automatically default to the current time.


A custom roll can be set up to recur:

  • Daily.

  • Weekly.

  • Monthly.

For each recurring option (above) there is a corresponding set of fields.

For example, Weekly requires you to nominate the day(s) that the event (within a week) will repeat on.

Roll Members

This field allows you to nominate the mode of adding members to the custom roll.

Dynamic List

Choose this option to create a custom roll for a group of students that could potentially change.

If you use this option, the students assigned to this custom roll will change as people move in and out of the group.

Static List

Choose this option to create a custom roll for a group of students.

If you use this option, the group is static (as at the time you create the event)


Choose the teacher or non-teacher who will be the owner of the custom roll.

Assign Admin Rights

Search for the teacher(s) or non-teacher(s) for who you want to assign admin rights for this custom roll.

Type two or more characters of the teacher's or non-teacher's code, name or department into the field. As soon as the second character is entered, matching teachers and non-teachers are displayed.

Allocating Students to a Custom Roll

There are several modes of search that you can use to allocate students to this custom roll:

  • Students.

  • Subject Class.

  • Extra-Curricular Activity.

  • Events and Payments – Current.

  • Events and Payments – Completed.

  • Groups.

  • My Saved Reports.

Once you have selected your 'Search Mode', the filters below will dynamically change.

First, select the 'Filter By' option, and then the 'Filter Value 1 and 2' where applicable.

Use the 'My Saved Reports' option to create a custom roll for students who were included in one of your saved reports. This can be done using one of the following programs:

  • Student Absences (Lists/emails).

  • Class List/Emails.

  • Student Notes (Lists/Emails).

  • Student Details (Lists/emails).

  • PC Entries (Lists/Emails).

For example, you may need to create a custom roll for students who were absent during an exam period.

Use Staff Kiosk Listings > Student Absences (Lists/Emails) to identify the students and save this to your 'My Saved Reports'. Then use this program to create a custom roll for this group of students.

When using the 'Static List' mode, click the 'GO' button to complete the search and display the students in the 'Choose from these Students' column.

To allocate students to this custom roll:

  • Select the students by clicking with your mouse.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key while clicking, enables selection of multiple students.

  • Use the arrow buttons to move the selected students to the 'Students Allocated to Custom Roll column.

Click the 'Next' button to allocate these students to the roll and view the 'Custom Rollcall' screen.

Click the 'Submit New +' button to save this Custom Roll to the database or the 'Cancel' button to return to the 'Custom Rollcall' list screen.

Alternatively, click the 'Submit & Mark Roll' button to save the Custom Roll and be directed to the 'Custom Rollcall' screen.

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