Custom Roll Parameters (Setup)
The ‘Custom Roll Parameters (Setup)’ program determines:
The name of the Custom Rolls program displayed to users in Staff Kiosk.
The number of days that rolls are available for editing.
The default attendance status used when marking a roll (i.e. present, absent, conditional on school attendance).
The ability to 'Mark All' students absent or present with just one click.
The ability to send SMS to Parents and Caregivers when a roll is saved.
Fields That Require Further Explanation | |
*School Name for Custom Rolls | Use this field to change the default description of the 'Custom Rolls' program. For example, you may want to call it 'Other Rolls' instead of 'Custom Rolls'. 'Custom Rolls' is the default program name used by TASS, however, each school has the ability to rename it to one of their own choosing using this field. All TASS Knowledge Base documentation refers to this program as 'Custom Rolls'. |
Number of Days allowed for editing of Custom Rolls | Enter the number of days the Custom Roll will be available for teachers to edit. If this field is left blank, the editing time for each custom roll will be unlimited. |
*Default students to | Choose the default attendance status that will be used when marking custom rolls. The options include:
The ‘Conditional on Attendance’ option automatically loads a student's school attendance status onto an unmarked roll. For example, if students are absent from school, their default status on a Custom Roll would also be set to 'absent'. |
*Allow users to toggle all attendance | Enabling this option will activate the ‘Mark All' button located above the ‘Present’ column in the Custom Rolls > Rollcall screen. This will allow you to toggle all students to either all ‘Present’ or all 'Absent’ with just one click. |
*Send SMS on Save | When this option is enabled, automated SMS Notifications will be generated each time an ‘Unexplained Absence’ is recorded on a Custom Roll. Select 'Off' to disable this feature and not send any SMS from the Custom Rolls program. Select ‘User Choice’ to activate the ‘Save Attendance and Send SMS’ button at the bottom of each Custom Rollcall screen. Users then have the option to click 'Save Attendance’ and not send an SMS, or click 'Save Attendance and Send SMS’ to send the SMS to the parents and caregivers of any students with an ‘Unexplained Absence’ on the Custom Roll. Select 'Mandatory' to automatically send SMS to Parents and Caregivers each time an ‘Unexplained Absence’ is recorded on a Custom Roll. The SMS will be sent when the ‘Save Attendance’ button is clicked. The Parent/Caregiver who receives the SMS is determined by the ‘Communication Rules Type’ defined in the TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Setup Information > Teacher Kiosk Setup in the ‘Comm Type for Custom Roll Save & Send SMS’ field. Parents and Caregivers must also have the SMS box ticked on their Parent Record Address block. To use this feature, your school must have an SMS Gateway set up in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance > External APIs> SMS Gateways. Outgoing SMS are recorded in the SMS Gateway Queue in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance > External APIs> SMS Gateways. |
Force Comment on Explained Absences | Tick this checkbox to make Comments mandatory for Explained absences. |
SMS Message Text for Save and Send | Enter the SMS text that parents will receive when the ‘Send SMS on Save’ option is enabled and the student has an unexplained absence on a Custom Roll. Click ‘Add Keyword' to personalise your text by adding a student-specific keyword into the text field at the cursor's current position. |