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My Calendar

My Calendar Overview

This program allows you to:

  • View your calendar including various feeds from areas within the TASS.web database, e.g. Your timetable, Assessment Activities, School calendar etc.

  • Add personal events to your calendar.

  • View your calendar in a 'Day', 'Week', 'Month' or 'Agenda' mode.

  • Sync your TASS calendar to other calendar products, such as Google or Outlook.

View Options

Your calendar will initially display using the school defined default view ('Day', 'Week' or 'Month').

Navigating your calendar

Select 'Day', 'Week', 'Month' or 'Agenda' view.

Move forwards and backwards through the selected view.

 Return to today's date.

Alter the time periods showing down the left have side of the calendar.

Click on the month view on the right to select a date, or move forward and backward through the months.

The view you select is 'sticky', meaning the system will remember your preferred view when you next visit the screen.


Calendar Feeds

Select from the available calendar feeds on the right hand side to display on your calendar.

Your feed preferences are also 'sticky', meaning that your preferred feeds will display when you next visit your calendar.

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