School Calendar (Upload)
This program allows you to upload the School's Calendar from an Excel® spreadsheet.
You would use this program as an alternative to Staff Kiosk Calendar > School Calendar at the beginning of the year to load the school's initial main calendar.
If your school's main calendar events are already in Outlook®, you can export the calendar to Excel®. The following instructions have been written for Microsoft 365 Classic Outlook®:
File > Open & Export
Select 'Import/Export'.
Select ‘Export to a file', and click 'Next >’.
Select ‘Comma Separated Values’, and click 'Next >’.
Select the Calendar to export, and click 'Next >’.
Click ‘Browse…’, enter a file name and select a location to save the file.
Click the 'Map Custom Fields' button to map the first 6 fields from Outlook® to match the upload format (below), and click 'Next >’.
Click the ‘Finish’ button, and confirm your export date range.
This template includes field names and comments to assist you with preparing your Calendar data:
The 'Field Names' in Row 1 of this template will be ignored during the upload process.
For the School Calendar upload to be successful, the spreadsheet must conform to the following specifications:
Column | Field Name | Field Type/Size | Field Description |
A | Event Title | char (40) | Mandatory. |
B | Event Description | char (4000) | Mandatory. |
C | Start Date | date | Mandatory. Date must be in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY. |
D | Start Time | time | Optional. Time must be in the following format: HH:MM:SS. Leave this field blank to indicate an all-day event. |
E | End Date | date | Mandatory. Date must be in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY. |
F | End Time | time | Conditional. Leave blank if Start Time is blank. An 'End Time' is required where you have nominated a 'Start Time'. Time must be in the following format: HH:MM:SS. |
G | Category Number | char (2) | Mandatory. It must be a valid and active 'Category Number'. Refer to Staff Kiosk Calendar > Event Categories (Setup). |
H | Campus | Char(3) | Optional. It must be a valid campus code. Refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Campuses' tab. |
I | Colour | char (8) | Mandatory. The following colours can be used:
J | Visible in Parent Lounge | char (1) | Mandatory. Must be either Y or N. |
K | Visible in Staff Kiosk | char (1) | Mandatory. Must be either Y or N. |
L | Visible in Student Café | char (1) | Mandatory. Must be either Y or N. |
M | Visible in Public Calendar | char (1) | Mandatory. Must be either Y or N. |
N | Year Groups the event relates to | char (2) | Optional. Multiple year groups can be entered by separating values with a comma and no spaces. |
O | Room Code | char (4) | Optional. Must be a valid room code. Refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup information > Timetable Setup on the 'Rooms' tab. |
P | URL | char (250) | Optional. Must be prefixed with correct transport layer protocol, e.g. |
Q | User Code | Char (8) | Conditional. Enter the Teacher Code or Employee Code of the person who is responsible for each event. The person that you nominate here will display in the 'Added by' field on each calendar event. You only need to enter this if the person responsible for each event is different from the person who is conducting the upload. (If you leave this blank, the upload program will insert the 'User Code' based on the person who is logged into Staff Kiosk and running the upload.) |
R | Entity Type | Char(1) | Conditional. This field becomes mandatory if column Q is populated. If column Q is populated, then you must enter:
The calendar data must be contained in an Excel sheet labelled 'Upload'.
The upload data must start in Cell A2.
Upload School Calendar Screen
Use the 'Browse' button to locate the Excel® file that you intend to upload.
Click the 'GO' button.
The system will validate the file to ensure that it meets the format described above.
If validation is unsuccessful, the upload will not proceed, and the program will produce an exception report.
You will need to address the issues in your Excel® file and re-import the data.
The upload process will not overwrite any existing events in your calendar.