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The 'Substitute' column provides details of any substitutions that affect your timetable for this day. 

Two scenarios are possible:

  1. When you have been registered as absent for the period.

  2. You Have Been Assigned a Substitution for Another Teacher Who Is Absent.

When You Have Been Registered as Absent for the Period

In this case, the following options will appear in the 'Substitute' column will either display as:

  • 'Not Allocated' (meaning that there is no substitute teacher allocated for the class), or

  • 'By: [Teacher Code]' (meaning that this teacher is assigned as a substitute for you for this class).

You can enter class tasks and/or comments to assist the substitute teacher. Click the 'Add' or 'Edit' link in the 'Class Tasks' column.

Fields that require detailed information

Class Task

This is used as an online method of recording and communicating class task information to the substitute teacher.

An example of a class task could be 'Read Chapter 3, pages 34-45. Then complete the exercises on page 46'.

The 'Class Task' information entered for a class will then be emailed to the substitute teacher as the substitution is allocated.

Emails can also be spawned when changes are made to the class tasks.

You (being the absent teacher) and the TASS.web substitutions administrator and are also cc'd into the emails that are sent to substitute teachers.

Class Task Attachment

An attachment can be added in combination with 'Class Task' text (or instead of), e.g. A PowerPoint®-based lesson plan.

Attachments are treated the same way as the 'Class Task' in terms of the emailing.

Two options are available to attach a file to this task:

  1. Drag and drop a file from your computer.

  2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.


This field is used to pass on general information regarding the class, e.g. 'Remind Mark Jacobson that his assignment extension expires on Thursday'.

The 'Comment' field is treated the same way as the 'Class Task' in terms of the emailing.

Comment Attachment

An attachment can be added in combination or instead of the 'Comment' text.

Attachments are treated the same way as the 'Class Task' in terms of the emailing.

Two options are available to attach a file to this task:

  1. Drag and drop a file from your computer.

  2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.


This field is designed to be used by the substitute teacher to provide the class teacher with feedback information after the substitution has been completed.

The 'Feedback' field is treated the same way as the 'Class Task' in terms of the emailing.

Feedback Attachment

An attachment can be added in combination or instead of the 'Feedback' text. 

Attachments are treated the same way as the 'Class Task' in terms of the emailing.

Two options are available to attach a file to this task:

  1. Drag and drop a file from your computer.

  2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

Select the 'Save' button to save the 'Class Tasks'.

You Have Been Assigned a Substitution for Another Teacher Who Is Absent

In this case, 'For: [Teacher Code]' will appear in the 'Substitute' column (meaning that you are substituting the class on behalf of this teacher).

Task information and/or comments that the absent class teacher may have entered can now be accessed by clicking on the 'Edit' link in the 'Substitute' column.

Refer to the help directly above for details on 'Class Tasks'.

You can also provide feedback to the original teacher after taking the substitute class.  

Related Resources

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