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Student Points (Lists)


This program allows you to generate a list of students, with their ‘Year Level Starting Points’ compared to their ‘Current Points’ tally.

‘Year Level Starting Points’ are defined in Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > Starting Points (Setup).

Running your school's Pastoral Care system in a 'Points' based mode is optional. If 'Points' have not been enabled in Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > Parameters (Setup), then this program is not available.

Selection Criteria

Student Selection Criteria

  • Use the 'Student Selection' drop-down list to generate this report for an individual student.

  • Use the ‘Year Group’, ‘House’, ‘Class’, ‘PC/Tutor Group’, ‘Boarder Status’ and ‘Campus’ fields to generate this report for a particular group of students.

PC Entries/Points Selection Criteria

  • Use the 'Date From' and 'Date To' fields to determine which points are used to calculate the 'Current Points' column within the report.

The default date displayed in the ‘Date From’ field is based on the value defined in the ‘Time Period to show Pastoral Care Entries on Student Profile page’ field in Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > Parameters (Setup).  

  • When 'Current Year' is selected - the default date displayed will be from the start of the current year.

  • When 'Current Semester' is selected - the default date displayed will be from the start of the Semester as defined by the Timetable.

  • When 'Number of Days' is selected - the default date displayed will be the date that is the 'number of days' prior to (and including) the current date.

  • Use the ‘Current Points From' and the 'Current Points To' fields to search for students who have reached a certain ‘Trigger Point’ amount.

Information about ‘Tigger Point' levels and actions can be saved in Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > Trigger Points (Setup) as a reference only. Use the Student Points (Lists) report to cross check ‘Current Points’ against the information saved in Trigger Points (Setup).

Formatting Options

The 'Formatting' panel of this screen allows you to choose the destination of the report.

The destination options are: 

  • Export to PDF

  • Export to Excel®

  • Export to Word®

Use the drop-down menu on the right of the 'Formatting' screen to indicate whether the 'Given Name', 'Preferred Name' or 'Both' will be displayed in the report.  

Select the 'GO' button to execute the search and display the 'Trigger Points (Lists)' report.

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