PAC - Bulk Charges and Credits
The Bulk Charges and Credits program is used where more than one charge or credit needs to be entered against parent accounts and there is a common factor that can be used to allow the software to identify the relevant accounts. Once the selection list has been generated it is possible to further modify the target group before committing the charges or credits to the database.
Three distinct selection modes are available:
Student-based selection.
Subject-based selection.
Extra Curricular based selection.
Student-Based Search
Fields from the 'General' and 'User Defined' tab can be used as selection criteria to filter the returned data. These tabs are similar to those displayed in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students.
If you select 'Student based search' mode you can also nominate to include a Student 'Extended User Defined Area' in your selection criteria. The 'Extended UD Area' that you choose will appear on the next selection screen as the last tab. You will be able to use any of the fields on this tab as part of your selection criteria.
The 'Calendar' icons in the 'General' tab display date range pickers, these windows allow the entry of a date range, e.g. All student records with a 'Date of Birth' date between 01/01/06 and 31/12/06.
You may also notice that the drop-down menu arrows next to selected fields in the 'General' and 'User Defined' tabs look different, these different arrows indicate that more than one selection can be made from the drop-down menu for your search criteria.
Fields from the 'Billing' tab can also be used as selection criteria. Billing flags are school definable and have been set up using TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Students Records Setup on the 'User Defined' tab.
Subject-Based Search
This type of selection would be used when the charges or credits are based on the students' involvement in an academic subject, e.g. A charge to all students enrolled in Year 12 Art.
Extra Curricular Based Search
This type of selection would be used when the charges or credits are based on the students' involvement in an extracurricular activity, e.g. A charge to all students playing hockey.
Charge/Credits Details
Once the selections have been made using one of the methods above, the 'Charge/Credits Details' screen will be displayed. Use this screen to set up the 'default' for this bulk run.
You have the opportunity to update the fee code' or transaction amount for individual students on the next screen.
Fields that require further information | |
Fee Code | Enter an appropriate fee code for the transaction or select the binoculars 'lookup' icon to search for a 'Fee Code' in the database. Fee codes are setup using TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Fees Tab'. Important! Only Active Fee Codes will be available in this field. |
Transaction Type | The 'Transaction Type' field will be determined by the Fee Code selected. This can be altered. A charge is a '1' and a credit is a '3'. The program will warn the user that they have changed this from the charge type that has been set up for the Fee Code. |
Transaction Date | This field will default to the current date. The system checks that the date entered falls within a valid General Ledger Year/Period and that the period is open. If not an error 'Accounting period is closed or not set up' will be displayed. |
Net Amount | The system will take the default amount from the Fee Code. This amount can be overwritten. |
Tax Amount | The system will calculate the tax based on the tax code that has been set up against the Fee Code. This amount can be altered. |
Comment 1/Comment 2 | There is an option in the standard fee statement print program to include Comment Line 1 on the parent statement. Therefore it is a good idea to enter meaningful comments into line 1. Use Comment Line 2 to record internal information about this transaction. |
When satisfied with you are satisfied with the default charge/credit details click the 'Next' button.
Alternately, select the 'Cancel' button to return to the previous screen without committing any changes to the TASS.web database.
Bulk Transaction List
Once you have made your selections using one of the three selection types and then set the 'default' for the charge or credit the program will create a 'Bulk Transaction List' displaying the records that the system has selected for this bulk run.
If there are no alterations, click the 'Save' button to record these charges or credits on to the database.
If there is a transaction(s) in the list that you do not want to be included in this bulk run then click on 'Delete' in the 'Action' column.
If there is a transaction(s) that requires modification click on 'Edit' in the 'Action' column. The same screen that is described above (Charge/Credits Details screen) is then available to make modifications to the fee code, transaction date, net amount, tax amount or comments. Click on 'Update' to save the modifications to the charge or credit. (for this student only).
Upon completion, a dialogue message will be displayed 'Bulk Transactions generated successfully – batch number is NNN. Would you like to print his batch now?'
Enter 'Yes' and the Batch Transaction Listing screen will be displayed. Click on the 'Print' tab to generate a listing.
Enter 'No' if you do not want a transaction list just now.
A Batch Transaction List can be re-printed at any time using TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Listing & Reports > Batch Transaction Report.