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Online Test Builder – Step 3 of 4

This step allows you to indicate how many numeric points each Question in your Online Test is worth.

The 'Same Score' field will determine whether each Question will have the same numeric score.

Select 'Yes' to enter a single score that will be applied to all Questions.

For example, there are 4 Questions in the Online Test, and each Question is worth 5 marks giving a maximum score of 20.

Select 'No' to enter an individual score for each Question in your Online Test.

This is an example:

Enter the numeric score for each Question in the 'Score' field.

The score will be displayed against each Question when students complete the Online Test in Student Café.

The scores that you enter here are used when the system calculates an 'Auto Calculated Score'.

Click the 'Next' button to proceed to Step 4 in the 'Online Test Builder'.

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