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Online Test Builder – Step 4 of 4

Fields that require further explanation

Time Limit

Students start an Online Test by clicking a 'Begin Test' button in Student Café. If you apply a time limit to this Online Test, the countdown will start at the time a student clicks the 'Begin Test' button.

If the time limit expires whilst a student is completing an Online Test, they will not be able to answer any more Questions, and they will be forced to submit the Online Test.

Select 'Yes' to apply a time that students must complete the Online Test.

Select the time limit (in 5 increments) from the 'Minutes' drop-down list.

Randomise Questions

By default, the order in which the Questions in an Online Test are displayed to students will be the order that Questions were added and organised in Step 2 of the 'Online Test Builder'. 

Select 'Yes' to change the order that Questions are displayed to each student.

Each student will see the Questions in the Online Test in a different order.

Display Auto Calculated Score
to Students

Once an Online Test is submitted, students will be able to view their completed Online Test and the answers they have entered.

The software will also calculate an 'Auto Calculated Score' based on:

  • The Questions that were included in the Online Test.

  • A comparison between the answers the student entered for each Question and the correct answers that were set up for each Question in the 'Question Builder'.

  • The 'Score' that was designated for each Question in Step 3 of the 'Online Test Builder'.

Select 'Yes' to allow students to:

  • View the correct answer to a Question they answered incorrectly

  • View the 'Auto Calculated Score' that the software has applied to each Question.

... when viewing their Online Test.

Extended 'Answer' type Questions will not be included in the 'Auto Calculated Score' as there is no single correct answer.

The 'Auto Calculated Score' is an interim score only. You will be able to review and adjust any scores that the software has applied when marking the Online Test in Teacher Kiosk program Assess Student Screen (Online Test Activity).

What Do You Want to Do Next?

Create another Online Test for the same Subject Area, Year and Topic

Once your Online Test has been saved, you will be redirected to Step 1 of the 'Online Test Builder'. The information you entered into the 'Subject Area', 'Year Group' and 'Topic' field for this Online Test will be pre-populated into the fields in Step 1.

Create an Activity using this Online Test for the same Subject Area, Year and Topic

Once your Online Test has been saved, you will be redirected to Step 1 of the 'Activity Builder'.

Your Online Test will be automatically attached to the Activity in the 'Selected Online Test' column, in Step 3 of the 'Activity Builder.

Save this Online Test and return to the Learning Objects screen

Once your Online Test has been saved, you will be redirected to the 'Learning Objects' screen. The Online Test that you have just created will be selected in the Learning Object Repository.

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