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How to Complete STP Finalisation STP Phase 2

This workflow should be followed at the end of the tax year to complete the finalisation of your Single Touch Payroll reporting for the tax year for all employees.

  1. All Pay Runs must be completed for the tax year before doing the STP Finalisation process.

  2. You must complete this checklist for each Payroll Number.

  3. This checklist must be completed in full (all steps and the exact order) before the Year End Reset is run.

To complete this checklist, you will need:

  • The MTD/YTD Summary Report from your final pay run of the tax year

  • Details of Reportable Fringe Benefits amounts to be entered





Create an Update Event 

  1. TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Single Touch Payroll Processing.

  2. Click on the 'Add Update Event' button to create the Update Event 



Identifiers from Previous Payroll System

This option will only be available when it has been enabled by your payroll implementation project manager. 

Selecting this option will advise the ATO to link the Business Management System ID and Employee Codes from TASS.web to the Business Management System ID and employee Identifiers from your previous payroll system. This option must only be done used when the year income and tax withheld balance from your previous payroll system have been loaded into TASS.web as opening balances. 

Tick this box and enter the 'Previous BMS ID'.

Click 'Go'.

Only employees with a previous payroll ID will be included in this event.

A previous payroll ID is defined in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees. Select General tab.

It should only be done ONCE for each employee.



Generate Employee Data 

  1. TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Single Touch Payroll Processing.

  2. From the 'STP Events List' screen, click the 'Generate Employee Data' link to load the filtering screen. Click 'GO' to generate.

To include all current and terminated employees, do not make any selections in this screen.



Check Totals

  1. TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Single Touch Payroll Processing.

  2. From the 'Employees Event List' screen, use the 'Print' button to generate a report by selecting all report options.

    • Check that the YTD total from the MTD/YTD Summary Report matches the Gross from these reports as follows:

      • Gross = Total Gross (Pay Details Report) + Allowance Amount (from Allowance Details Report) + Tax Free Amount (ETP Details Report) + Taxable Amount (ETP Details Report) + Lump Sum Payments (from Lump Sum Details).

    • Check that the YTD Tax total from the MTD/YTD Summary Report matches the Tax from these reports as follows:

      • Tax = Total Tax (Pay Details Report) + Tax Amount (ETP Details Report).

Some ETP Payments are not be included in gross.



Enter reportable fringe benefits and other amounts

  1. TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Single Touch Payroll Processing.

  2. From the 'Employees Event List' screen, use the 'Edit' link in the 'Action' column to enter amounts as required.

The mostly likely use for this would be to enter Reportable Fringe Benefits either in the 'FBT Amount' field or in the 'Exempt FBT Amount' field. The 'Grossed Up' value should be entered.

This program can also be used to:

  • Enter Exempt Foreign Employment Income

As the Fringe Benefits Tax Year (1 April to 31 March) does not coincide with the STP Tax Year (1 July to 30 June), you may have a situation where an employee does not have an STP record (eg. employee was terminated in last tax year) but you need to report a Fringe Benefit Amount for the 3 month period prior to the start of this STP Tax Year.

The likely scenarios and procedures to handle this would be:

  • If the employee has been archived you need to re-instate them as the first step, then use the 'Add Employee' option for that one employee (by selecting from the Employee Code picklist) and tick the 'Include where no payments on the YYYY tax year' checkbox.

  • If the employee has not been archived (terminated but not archived) but he/she has not been paid in the current tax year you need to use the 'Add Employee' option for that one employee (by selecting from the Employee Code picklist) and tick the 'Include where no payments on the YYYY tax year' checkbox.



Re-check Totals

If changes have been made in Step 4 above, re-run the Employee Event Listing and check.



Tick Final Flag

  1. TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Single Touch Payroll Processing.

  2. From the 'Employees Event List' screen, click the 'All' button to tick the 'Final' flag for all employees. Click 'Save Final Flag' to complete.

By setting this 'Final' flag you are declaring that the employees will not receive any more pays in this tax year.



Transmit to ATO

  1. TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Single Touch Payroll Processing.

  2. Click the 'Transmit to ATO' link to send this Update Event to the ATO.

You must check that the 'Status' is 'ATO Accepted'.


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