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PR - Pay Run Reports


The ‘Pay Run Reports’ program is used to create four reports that provide a complete audit trail of the pay run.

  1. Bank File Details Report — This report should be compared to the report or screen inquiry that is produced by your banking software after the banking file has been uploaded.
    The report can be sorted and subtotaled by bank by employee.

If you are unable to successfully transmit the ABA payment file to your bank, this report provides the details required for your bank to manually process the pays. You should select the 'bank' sort option.

  1. Deduction Summary Report — This report provides details of all deductions (excluding banking deductions) in this pay run grouped by deduction code (e.g. Salary Sacrifice Super, School Fee Deductions, Charity Deductions etc.)

  2. Pay Run Summary Report — This report details the payments, deductions, tax and net for each employee in this pay run. It also provides month-to-date and year-to-date figures.

  3. MTD & YTD Summary Report — This report provides detailed month-to-date and year-to-date figures for all employees. It includes a summary page that can be used to substantiate payroll figures on your BAS report.


We recommend that all four reports are run in every pay run and saved to a network directory path that is regularly backed up. In particular, the 'MTD & YTD Summary Report' should be generated and saved for every month end pay run.

General Tab

Tick the checkbox(s) next to the payroll(s) for which you intend to produce pay run reports.

Print Tab

Export Options

Choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

Report Selections

If you want to run all four reports (program defaults), leave these boxes ticked and just click the 'GO' button.

Bank File Details Report options – Sort By

If you have included the 'Bank File Detail Report' you can nominate to sort this report by employee code, account name or bank.

Bank File Details Report options – Layouts

Formatted Report

This is the default.

Bank File Records only

You would only select this option when the 'Bank File Details Report' has been selected and the 'Export Option' is Microsoft Excel®.

This option produces an Excel® friendly layout in a 'data dump' type format. 

As an example, it could be used to compare the employee BSB and Account numbers in the current pay run with those saved in Excel® from a previous pay run.

Click the 'GO' button to generate the pay run reports.

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