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How to Upload YTD Opening Balances

This guide would be used by schools that implement the payroll during the tax year and need to upload year-to-date balances from their old payroll for each employee so that PAYG Payment Summaries generated from TASS.web will show amounts for the full year.

Important! The steps in this checklist must be done immediately after completion of a Month End pay run.

  1. Create a new date in the payroll calendar.
    Use program Payroll HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Calendar and select the appropriate calendar to modify by clicking the 'Update' link in the 'Action' column.

  1. Note the 'Period End Date' and the 'Cycle' for the last pay period with a 'D-Done' status (Note — it must have Cycle 'M' (month)).
    Click the 'New Date' button and add a payroll calendar date that is one day less than this date and enter Cycle as 'M'.

If the 'New Date' button is not visible you should check that there are no timesheets loaded for this payroll.

  1. There are special Paycodes for YTD opening balances as follows:




Gross – YTD Open Balance


Tax – YTD Open Balance


Deductions – YTD Open Balance

Important! Where there are amounts that must be shown separately on PAYG Payment Summaries then you must use the actual Paycodes that are already set up for these to load the opening balance. Examples include — Allowances, Deductions, Lump Sum A, B, D or E amounts, ETP amounts, ETP tax.

  1. Prepare the upload file in MS Excel® and save to .csv file.
    Refer to Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Preparation > Timesheets for details on the Timesheet Upload file format.

  1. Go to program Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Preparation > Timesheets and click on the 'Upload Timesheets' icon.

Make the following selections to complete this upload:

  • Envelope — Select 'Adjustment Envelope' (VERY IMPORTANT!!)

  • Tax Automatically — Untick this option (Very Important!)

  • File Name — Browse for the '.csv' file created in Step 4.

  • Click 'GO' to start the upload.

Important! Print and check the Upload Report generated.

  1. Use program Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Preparation > Calculate Pays to calculate the pays.

  1. Use program Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Preparation > Edit Listing and run the report.

  • Check that the opening balance transactions are shown under 'Adjustment Envelope'.

  • Check that the report totals are correct.

  1. Complete this 'Opening Balances' pay run as you would for a normal pay run.

Important! The Opening Balances for Reportable Employer Superannuation for each employee must be collated from your old payroll system. These amounts must be manually entered onto PAYG Payment Summary records during the End of Year processes. Refer to 'How 'To' guide 'How to generate PAYG Payment Summaries' Step 6.

  1. Go to Payroll HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup and select 'Paycodes' tab. Edit Paycodes '950', '951' and '952' and uncheck the 'Timesheet Entry Allowed' option.

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