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Fixed Assets (FXA)


TASS.web Fixed Assets module provides a tool to capture asset information and create transactions that are fully integrated with General Ledger.

The comprehensive asset master record features school definable data fields, descriptions and notes.

Photographs and other digital records such as maintenance histories pertaining to assets can be attached to master records using TASS.doc on asset notes.

Multiple asset master records can be updated quickly using a data grid. This is a 'spreadsheet' style of update program that allows the rapid maintenance of asset master record information.

Transactional processing within this module automatically produces General Ledger journals for asset transactions:

  • Additions.

  • Adjustments.

  • Revaluations.

  • Sales.

  • Retirements.

  • Transfers.

Depreciation code and remaining life adjustment transactions are also supported.

The Depreciation Calculation program also integrates with General Ledger producing the depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation journal.

Depreciation methods supported are:

SLL          Straight Line method over life of asset.

SL%         Straight Line method using a percentage.

DVL         Diminishing Value method over life of asset.

DV%        Diminishing Value method using a percentage.

Summarised and detailed asset reports are available. Asset transactional reports including the complete asset financial transaction history are available for active and disposed assets.

All reports can be generated to Adobe PDF®, Microsoft Excel® or Word®.

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