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FXA - Assets


The Fixed Assets ‘Assets’ program is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:

  • Search for existing assets using specific criteria.

  • Produce a screen list of existing assets that also provides the ability to view or edit asset details.

  • Print, export to Excel® or Word® the list of assets returned by your search.

  • Add a new asset.

Adding an Asset

Click the 'New' icon to display a blank 'Asset Entry' screen.

The focus will be on the 'New' icon when this screen loads, so you can press the 'Enter' key instead of clicking the 'New' icon.

The addition of an asset is essentially a two-step process:

  1. The addition of the asset's master record (asset descriptive, acquisition and date details).

  2. The addition of financial batch details.

There are three methodologies available for adding assets:

Method 1 — Separated Addition

Add the asset master record using program Finance > Fixed Assets > Asset Information > Assets to add the descriptive, acquisition and date details. 

Then add the financial details by creating an 'Addition' batch using program Finance > Fixed Assets > Asset Transactions > Transaction Batches.

Method 2 — Combined Addition

Create a new batch using program Finance > Fixed Assets > Asset Transactions > Transaction Batches.

Then add one or more assets using program Finance > Fixed Assets > Asset Information > Assets to add the asset master records. Nominate before saving each asset that you want to attach the asset to the (unposted) batch by selecting the batch number in the 'Append to Addition Batch' field. You can then complete the asset addition process by adding the financial batch details.

Refer to section 'Asset Details Screen.' (below) for details on adding an asset

Method 3 - Uploading Assets

An alternative to manually entering assets is to use the 'Upload Assets' button at the top of the 'Assets' screen. Data from a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet that has been saved as a CSV file can then be used to upload multiple asset records in bulk.

Step 1 - Prepare Your Spreadsheet

For the upload to be successful, the spreadsheet must contain the columns and data outlined in the table below.


Field Name

Field Type/Size

Field Description


Asset Code



Enter Asset Code.

If the 'Auto Number' option is ticked, leave blank as it will automatically populate.


Asset Description



A 40-character field to describe the asset.


Physical Location



Buildings, rooms or departments are examples of physical locations.

These are set up using program Finance > Fixed Assets > Setup Information > Fixed Assets Setup.





This is a 15-character optional field that can be used to record an asset barcode or other tag.


Serial Number



This is a 30-character optional field that can be used to record an asset serial number.


Purchase Date



Include purchase date.


Acquisition Type



There are two possible acquisition types:

  1. 'P' for purchased (this is the default).

  2. 'L' for leased.

Information about the lease can be entered after the asset has been added on the 'Leasing' tab.


PO Number



The original purchase number from the Purchasing module can be entered here. 


Supplier Code



Enter a valid Supplier Code.


Original Cost



This is the cost of the asset and will be validated when the Addition Batch is added for this asset.


Operate Date



Include the Operate Date.


Depreciation Code



This must be a valid depreciation code as setup using program Finance > Fixed Assets > Setup Information > Fixed Assets Setup.


UD Text 1



Text field.


UD Text 2



Text field.


UD Text 3



Text field.


UD Text 4



Text field.


UD Text 5



Text field.


UD Amount 1



A decimal field.


UD Amount 2



A decimal field.


UD Amount 3



A decimal field.


UD Amount 4



A decimal field.


UD Amount 5



A decimal field.


Extended Description



Text field.


Category Codes



Enter Category Code.


Leave blank if 'Add to Additions Batch' option is unticked.


GL Location Code



Enter GL Location Code.


Leave blank if 'Add to Additions Batch' option is unticked.

Step 2 - Upload Your File

For the upload to be successful, the spreadsheet must be saved in comma-delimited (CSV) format. The file can have a maximum of 2,000 assets.

  • Click the 'Upload Assets' button at the top of the 'Assets' screen.

  • In the 'Asset Upload' screen, use the 'Choose File' button to locate the .csv file created in Step 1.
    If your upload file has a header row, ensure option 'File includes Header Row' is ticked. This will force the upload to ignore row 1 of the file.
    The records in the Upload file must contain all 25 fields outlined above, even if the data is blank.

The system will validate the file to ensure that it meets the format described above.
If exceptions are found, the upload will be aborted and a 'Fixed Assets Upload - Exceptions Report' will be generated. You will need to address the issues in the .csv file and re-import the data.

  • Enter the 'Year' and 'Period' the asset(s) are to be applied to and any further information you want to include using the fields outlined below, then click the 'GO' button.

Fields that require detailed information

Start Year

Include the Start Year.

The Start Year and Period determine the financial period in which the asset is added to the asset ledger. It will also determine the financial period in which the GL journals will be produced and the year and period from which the asset will start to depreciate.

Start Period

Include the Start Period.

The Start Year and Period determine the financial period in which the asset is added to the asset ledger. It will also determine the financial period in which the GL journals will be produced and the year and period from which the asset will start to depreciate.

Auto Number Asset Codes

If the 'Auto Number' option is ticked, it will automatically populate.

Add to Additions Batch

Tick to add the uploaded assets into a new Additions Batch.

Comment 1



This field will only be active and editable when the 'Add to Additions Batch' option is ticked.

Comment 2



This field will only be active and editable when the 'Add to Additions Batch' option is ticked.

Viewing and Editing Assets

Asset Search Screen

The search screen provides the facility to search for existing assets using various search fields.

Click the 'GO' button (or press 'Enter') to execute the search and display the 'Asset List' screen with the matching records.

Asset List Screen

This list screen displays the assets matching your search criteria initially sorted by asset code.

The records on this screen can be re-sorted by clicking on the heading links above the Asset List.

Select the 'Print' icon to display the 'Print Options' screen to generate a report on the assets displayed in the Asset List. Various sorting and formatting options are displayed, and you can select the type of file and layout you wish to use. Click on 'Run' to create the file.

Include additional fields on your asset listing by selecting options from the column on the right-hand side of the screen. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key while clicking the mouse to select multiple 'Additional fields'.

Click on the 'View' or 'Edit' Action link to access the asset.

Asset Details Screen

General Tab

Fields that require detailed information


A 40-character field to describe the asset.

Asset Code

In all modes 'Add, Edit or View' this field is not updatable.

In 'Add' mode, the Asset Number will be prompted after saving if auto numbering has not been selected.

Sort Number

This is a system-maintained field that is used to determine the sort order when listing assets. Each asset added will automatically get the next sort number.  It can be used to alter the sort order for assets if you have used an alpha/numeric code.

The field is only active in 'Edit' mode.


There are four possible asset statuses:

  1. N (New) — where the asset has been entered through this program but has not had its financial batch added through program Finance > Fixed Assets > Asset Transactions > Transaction Batches.

  2. A (Active) — where the asset has been entered through this program and has had its financial batch added through program Finance > Fixed Assets > Asset Transactions > Transaction Batches.

  3. S (Sold) — where the asset has been entered through this program and has had its financial batch added and has been sold through program Finance > Fixed Assets > Asset Transactions > Transaction Batches.

  4. R (Retired) — where the asset has been entered through this program and has had its financial batch added and has been retired through program Finance > Fixed Assets > Asset Transactions > Transaction Batches.

This field is only displayed in 'Edit' and View' modes.

Physical Location

Buildings, rooms or departments are examples of physical locations.

These are set up using program Finance > Fixed Assets > Setup Information > Fixed Assets Setup.


This is a 15-character optional field that can be used to record an asset barcode or other tag.

Serial Number

This is a 30-character optional field that can be used to record an asset serial number.

Acquisition Type

There are two possible acquisition types:

  1. 'P' for purchased (this is the default).

  2. 'L' for leased.

Information about the lease can be entered after the asset has been added on the 'Leasing' tab.

Purchase Date

This date is for reference only. The date is entered here in 'Add' mode will automatically default into the 'Operate date' field.  

Operate date is the important field in that it determines 'Start Year' and 'Period' for General Ledger journals.

PO Number

The original purchase number from the Purchasing module can be entered here.  

This is for reference only and does not do any cross-checking.


The supplier that the asset was purchased from can be entered here.

This is a reference only field and does not do any cross-checking other than the supplier existing in the database. It will display both active and inactive suppliers.

Original Cost

This is the cost of the asset and will be used as a validation when the financial batch is added for this asset.

Operate Date

This date will determine the Start Year and Period (see directly below) and therefore, the financial period in which the asset is added to the asset ledger. It will also determine the financial period in which the GL journals will be produced and the year and period from which the asset will start to depreciate.

Start Year/Period

This field is derived from the 'Operate Date' field. The Start Year and Period determine the financial period in which the asset is added to the asset ledger. It will also determine the financial period in which the GL journals will be produced and the year and period from which the asset will start to depreciate.

Depreciation Code

This must be a valid depreciation code as setup using program Finance > Fixed Assets > Setup Information > Fixed Assets Setup.

Append to Addition Batch

This option is used when you are using the 'Combined Methodology' for asset addition.

That is you have already created a batch using program Finance > Fixed Assets > Asset Transactions > Transaction Batches.

The drop-down list will display any unposted asset addition batches with less than 50 assets, which are within the financial period (shown in the 'Start Year/Period' fields above).

Now that you are adding the asset master record, you can attach the asset to the (un-posted) batch by locating the batch in this field.

You can then complete the asset addition process by adding the financial batch details.

User Defined Tab

The user defined fields that are displayed on this tab have been predefined by your school through Finance > Fixed Assets > Setup Information > Fixed Assets Setup on the 'Parameters' tab.

User defined fields allow you to record information that is either of a text or monetary nature that does not already exist in the asset master record.

You can also use this tab to record a longer description (than is available in the standard 'Description' field on the 'General' tab.

This tab is available in 'Add', 'View' and 'Edit' modes.

Insurance Tab

This tab is available in 'View' and 'Edit' modes.

The fields available are not mandatory and can be used for storing details relating to the insurance policy for this asset. The information stored here is for reference only.

Leasing Tab

This tab is available in 'View' and 'Edit' modes.

The fields available are not mandatory and can be used for storing details relating to the lease for this asset. The information stored here is for reference only.

Notes Tab

This tab displays notes that relate to the asset currently being viewed.

'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' functions are available to alter previously made entries.

To add a new asset note, select the 'Add Note' button and fill out the fields displayed.

The school can also categorise notes. Categories can be set up Finance > Fixed Assets > Setup Information > Fixed Assets Setup.

TASS.doc is a feature that allows the operator to attach any file to a note which can be viewed by all authorised users of the 'Assets Notes' screen. The 'Paperclip' icon signifies an attachment. Attachments can be added to the note by clicking the 'Browse' button and selecting the required file to attach from within the school's network. Once the file has been attached the original can be moved or deleted.

Examples of attachments for assets could be digital photographs of the asset, authenticity papers or maintenance records.

Select the 'Print' icon at the top of the screen to generate a report on the records in the 'Notes' tab.

'Start Date', 'End Date' and 'Note Category' fields can be used as 'Search Criteria'.

'Formatting Options' allows the user to choose the destination of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®. The report can be sorted by 'Date' and 'Category' by selecting the appropriate radio button.

Use the checkboxes to indicate your preference for displaying 'Table Borders' and 'Alternate Row Colours'.

Status Tab

This tab displays the current financial status for the asset. Information on the tab is derived from the system and is not editable.

Ledger Tab

This tab displays a complete ledger of all asset transactions that have occurred for this asset. 

Possible asset transaction types include:

















Life Adj

Life Adjustment

Depn Code

Depreciation Code Adjustment

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