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ENR - Student UD Tab (SU)


The Enrolments Setup ‘Student UD’ tab allows you to set up User Definable fields for Enrolment and Student Records.

Student User Definable (UD) fields can also be set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the ‘Student UD’ tab.

User-Defined Fields are fields that your school can customise to suit your school requirements. This is where you set them up for the future student record. These fields are referenced in various programs including:

UD (User Definable) fields enable greater flexibility for your school to create custom fields in your TASS database that may not necessarily be provided with the application.

Selecting a UD field in a record will include that record in all listings and searches using that field.

To use a field, place a field label of your preference into the description fields provided. Once the label is entered, then the TASS software will refer to that field as the label nominated (where available) from other screens.

There are 25 fields available to use within a module, within three types:

  1. The first group of 10 UD fields are Y/N Flag Fields.

  2. The second group of 10 UD fields are Table Referenced Fields.

  3. The last group of 5 UD fields are Text Fields.

The field labelled 'Tfer' needs to be completed if the relevant UD field is to be transferred when the student is transferred into the current student database. You enter the UD field number on the current student record where this information will be transferred. It does not have to be the same number, e.g. Enrolled Student UD Field 1 can transfer to Current Student UD Field 5, but cannot transfer to UD Field 11 because Field 11 is a table referenced field.

Click on the 'Arrow' icon next to Fields 11 to 20 to display the table referenced data for each respective field. Use the 'Edit' button to change a data item 'Description'. To enter an option for that table enter a 'Code' and 'Description'.


The collapsible panel at the bottom of the screen provides a facility to reset the data in a user definable field across the entire future student database. You would use this when a field has become redundant and you want to set it to a new value. Extreme caution should be exercised when using this, as potentially you will be changing the data on a field across hundreds of enrolment student records. This function will also allow the entry of a null value.

Enterprise Mode Only

Where You Are in the Source Company

A message will be displayed at the top of the screen 'This is the Source Company for Enterprise mode'.

The 'Student UD' fields that you create and maintain here, will update all other companies that are Enterprise mode enabled (i.e. The other schools in your group).

Where You Are in an Enterprise Enabled Company That Is Not the Source Company

A message will be displayed at the top of the screen 'Enterprise Mode Enabled'.

Schools that are 'Enterprise Mode Enabled' (but not the 'Source Company') cannot maintain their own 'Student UD' fields, it must be done in the 'Source Company'.

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