ENR - Enrolment Details Listing
The Enrolment Details Listing can be generated in either of three modes:
A student-based listing using PDF, Excel® or Word®.
A student-based listing that also includes parent address details, as an Excel export only.
A parent-based listing with addresses.
Selection Criteria
This report/export has extensive options that can be selected at run-time.
The 'General', 'Status' and 'UD' tabs allow a range of criteria to be selected that will refine the records that will be included in the listing.
These tabs are similar to those described in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments.
General tab notes
The 'Calendar' icon next to the 'Application Date' and the 'Date of Birth' fields look different to the normal calendar icon. This is because this style of date picker allows the entry of a date range, e.g. All future enrolments with an application date between 01/01/06 and 31/12/06.
The 'Entry Year' and 'Points' fields also includes a number range picker.
Testing Type
You can nominate any of the Standard Testing Types (e.g. NAPLAN) that are set up at your school to appear as a selectable tab when running your report/export.
This means that 'Test Years' and 'Year Groups' (for which there are result data) will be available as data filters.
It will also allow you to include the students' testing results on your report/export by selecting them as 'Additional Fields' on the 'Print' tab.
Print Tab
Sort Options
You can elect to sort by:
Surname (the default option).
Date of Application.
Entry Year Group.
Entry Year.
Holding Fee Paid.
Priority Points (Descending).
Report Options
Student Based Listing | Choose this option to generate a listing of enrolled students including their 'Entry Year', 'Entry Year Group' and any other additional fields chosen. Include Siblings (Excel Only) |
Student based Listing with Addresses (Excel Only) | Choose this option to generate a list of enrolled students including their address details.
For further information, refer to the 'Addresses & Communication Rules Tab' on the Enrolment 'Detailed Entry' page. Include Siblings |
Parent based Listing | Choose this option to generate a list of enrolled students grouped by family including address details, parent occupations and previous connection. Primary Copy Address One line per Parent (Excel Only) |
Additional Fields
The 'Student Code', 'Surname', 'Given Name', 'Entry Yr Group' and 'Entry Yr' fields are automatically included on each report.
Select any 'Additional Fields' to include in your listing by highlighting them with a mouse click.
The fields that are available for you to include on your report/export are dependent on your security level.
Potentially, fields are available from the following areas:
Student Info
Status Info
Student User Defined
UD Areas (up to 499 areas – each prefixed with 'UD Area')
Billing Flags
Medical Info
VSN (Victoria only).
Parent Info
Parent User Defined
Note about Parent Codes:
There are two Parent Code field options:
--Student Info-- 'Student's Parent Code': can be selected for all three Report Options
--Parent Info-- 'Parent Code': can be selected only for the 'Student based Listing with Addresses (Excel Only)' Report Option, when 'Use Communication Rules' is selected.
Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.
Report Title
This field can be used to enter an alternative name for this report.
Save this Configuration as
The selections you have made can be saved as your own report 'Configuration' profiles. A report 'Configuration' that you create can't be accessed by another user, and vice versa. This is because each 'Configuration' is dependent on the individual user's security permissions that determine the fields that can be included.
Enter your configuration title to save the configuration.