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ENR - Quick Entry (For Enquiries Only)

Always check if the parent record already exists in the database before adding a new parent.


Please read the important information highlighted in 'Adding a New Enrolment'.

To cater for the rapid entry of an enrolment enquiry (e.g. Over the phone) the program only requires the entry of the fields indicated with '*' to allow the saving of a record.

Fields that should be completed in 'Quick Entry' mode are as follows.

General Tab

*Parent Name

The name entered here should be as you would expect it to appear on an envelope.

This is a mandatory field (up to 60 characters).


The surname will be automatically inserted based on the last word that you entered in the 'Parent Name' field.

You can adjust this later if required.

This is a mandatory field (up to 30 characters).

Mobile Phone 1

If your school doesn't record address information for initial enrolment enquiries, complete this field or the 'Email 1' or 'Email 2' field so that you have a means of contacting the parent. 


This is the salutation for use in mail merges. 

Salutation is the text that appears after 'Dear' in a letter.

Although not a mandatory field, this will be derived based on the 'Parent Name'. You can adjust this if required.

The program uses the logic described in the table below.

Parent Name (Example)


No first name entered in the 'Parent Name' field (surname only)




J. Smith 


John Smith


John K. Smith


John Billy Jack Smith 


Mr J. Smith

Mr Smith

Dr. John Smith

Dr Smith

Mrs Joan K. Smith

Mrs Smith

Ms. Jane Karen Smith

Ms Smith

A&B O'Green


Able and Betty Green


Mr Al Blue & Ms Ita Green

Mr Blue and Ms Green

Email 1

Email 2

If your school doesn't record address information for initial enrolment enquiries, you should at least complete the 'Email 1' or 'Email 2' field or the 'Mobile Phone 1' field, so that you have a means of contacting the parent.

This is a 140 character field. The program will validate that this is in the correct email address format (e.g. Must be in a format of text@text.text).

To enter multiple email addresses in these fields you must enter a semicolon separator.

Parent/Caregiver 1 / Parent/Caregiver 2


You must enter a Name for 'Parent/Caregiver 1' or 'Parent/Caregiver 2', or both.

The name entered must include both the given name and surname.

The Parent/Caregiver 1 and/or Parent/Caregiver 2 you enter may already be in the database as a Past Student, Donor, Employee, Teacher or Stand Alone Person.

After entering a name into the 'Name' fields, the system will automatically search Community Plus for that person name and it will display a list of possible matches (if any) in the 'Automatic Advanced Search' pop-up screen.

Alternatively, before entering a name you can click on the 'Binoculars' icon to open the 'Person Lookup' pop-up screen and do your own 'person' search.

If you find an existing record for this person, click on their name in the pop-up screen to link the Parent/Caregiver 1 or Parent/Caregiver 2 to this person record.

If you do not find an existing record for this person, close the pop-up screen and the system will create a new Community Plus person record for this Parent/Caregiver 1 or Parent/Caregiver 2.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

If the Parent/Caregiver 1 or Parent/Caregiver 2 on a new 'Enrolled Parent' record is linked to an existing person record, the following processes will occur:

Where the existing person is a Past Student:

  • An email will be sent to the Past Student module contact to advise them that the Past Student is now an Enrolled Parent and prompting a review of address links on this Past Student record.

  • A system-generated note will be created against the Past Student record indicating that the Past Student is now an Enrolled Parent.

Where the existing person is a Donor (but not a Past Student):

  • An email will be sent to the Fundraising module contact to advise them that the Donor is now an Enrolled Parent.

  • A 'Reminder' record will be created in TASS.web Finance > Fundraising > Donor Information > Reminders to prompt a review of address links on this Donor record.

Parent/Caregiver 1 / Parent/Caregiver 2


If this is a new Parent/Caregiver, select a gender from the drop-down list.

Existing Parents/Caregivers should have their genders already defined and this value will auto-fill this field.

The genders options available on this picklist are maintained using TASS.web Bookmarks tab > Community > Setup Information in 'Gender Setup'.

If no gender is selected here, a default value will be inserted (for new entries) based on the address block being filled (left or right) and what has been defined for 'Person Posn 1' (or 2) in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the 'Addresses' tab.

Child Details Tab

*First Name

It is recommended that the student's legal given name is used.

Other Names

It is recommended that the student's legal additional name/s is used.


It is recommended that the student's legal surname is used.


Select a gender from the drop-down list.

The genders options available on this picklist are maintained using TASS.web Bookmarks tab > Community > Setup Information in 'Gender Setup'.

*Entry Year

The calendar year in which the student is to start.

*Entry Year Grp

The year group in which the student is to start.


Choose from the drop-down list.

 Prospectus Sent

This defaults to the date that you are entering this enrolment enquiry.

If you remove this date, the first status (usually called 'Prospectus Sent') in the enrolment cycle will be saved with a flag of 'N'.

It is a good practice to include a date in this field to assist in the subsequent creation of a mail merge to send out prospectuses.

Then use TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments Worksheet and filter using 'Stage 1 – Prospectus Sent' = 'Yes' and the corresponding 'Date' range. From the 'Enrolment Worksheet' click on the hyperlinked 'Totals' and use the 'Mail Merge' function.

Click here for more information on Mail Merge.

Word Merge

Word Merge export files are produced from various TASS.web or Staff Kiosk programs to extract a set of merge field codes and students/parents/employees details in a format required to insert into a Word Merge document.
Word Merge documents can be used for two purposes:

  1. To produce a personalised document for each recipient containing the recipient's own details in place of the merge fields.
    Example: School enrolment letters are printed for all incoming families. Each letter includes data extracted from TASS.web and is personalised for each recipient, such as the student and parent names and addresses, entry year group etc.

  2. To attach to an Email Template A PDF is attached as each email is sent containing the recipient's own details in place of the merge fields.
    Example: Attendance emails to parents regarding their child's attendance. A PDF attachment is generated and attached at the time of sending the emails, personalised for each recipient.

  • The PDF Conversion API is required to attach Word Merge Files to Email Templates.

  • Word Merge documents can be attached to the following Email Template categories:  Attendance, Enrolment, Immunisation Register, Parent Accounts, Parent Lounge Licences, Pastoral Care, Student Immunisations, Student Records, and Transfer Notes (WA).

Create a Word Merge document:

  1. Generate the Word Merge export file.
    Use the selection criteria from the appropriate program to produce a file that includes the desired merge fields headings and recipient details.
    Select the 'Word Merge file' export button, usually found on the Print tab. If no word merge button exists, use the Excel export option and save as a csv file.

A PDF report entitled 'Students with no Communication Rules' will display if there are issues with your selection. These must be fixed before the export can be processed.

  1. Create your Word Merge document.
    Follow the steps in Word using the Mailings > Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard. Select the word merge export file generated above, and insert merge fields into the document wherever the personalised data will be populated. Preview the document but do not select 'Complete the merge'.
    Save the document. Print if desired.

  2. To attach the Word Merge file to an Email Template:
    Create an email template and attach the Word Merge document created above.
    TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings.

You can elect to enter data into any of the other fields on the 'General', 'Child Details', 'Parent UD' or 'Notes' tabs, however, if you have completed the mandatory fields detailed above, then the initial enrolment record can be saved.

Click the 'Save' button to add this enrolment record to the database.

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