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How to Setup the Microsoft OneDrive API Gateway (Azure Portal)

This guide provides instruction on how to setup integration with Microsoft OneDrive to use in Staff Kiosk program Assessment.

This guide uses ‘Azure Portal' for setup, another option is ‘Microsoft's Application Registration Portal’. If your school uses ‘Microsoft's Application Registration Portal’ refer to How to Setup the Microsoft OneDrive API Gateway (Microsoft's Application Registration Portal).

Once configured, students and teachers will be able to browse and attach Activity related files from their Microsoft OneDrive accounts.




  • Task


Log in to the Azure Portal


Enter your credentials.

  • Complete


Create an Application

In the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory in the left pane and select 'App registrations' and click on 'New registration'.

Enter an application name. E.g. 'TASS OneDrive Integration'.

Choose Supported Account Types. E.g. 'Accounts in this organizational directory only'.

In the Redirect URI box select Web for the platform and Enter your school's domain followed by /kiosk/img/onedrive/index.cfm.  eg https://yourdomain/kiosk/img/onedrive/index.cfm

Click Register.

Note the 'Application ID' that displays under the 'Overview' section. This is required for TASS configuration.

  • Complete


Allow Authentication

Under the 'Manage' section, select 'Authentication'.

In the “Implicit grant and hybrid flows” section, select:

  • Access tokens (used for implicit flows).

  • ID tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows).

Click Save.

  • Complete


Enable Permissions

Under the 'Manage' section, select 'API Permission'.

Click 'Add Permissions'.

Select 'Microsoft Graph'.

Select 'Delegate Permissions'.


  • Files.Read

  • Files.Read.All

  • Files.Read.Selected

  • Directory.Read.All

  • Complete


Configure the TASS.web API

In TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance

Click the 'View' link against the 'Cloud Drives' option. 

Click 'New Cloud Drive' and enter the following information:

Type: select 'Microsoft OneDrive'

Client ID: enter the 'Application ID' from Step 2

  • Complete

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