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Class Plans List


This program is used to produce a report which, with the aid of filters, lists Class Plans for a specific set of students, identified by the search criteria. A mirror of the unconsolidated view of the Support Plan Grid, this report can help establish whether the Adjustments in a Class Plan have been reviewed and whether any corroborating Adjustment Evidence has been submitted.

The Class Plans Listing is a multi-purpose listing which allows you to:

  • Generate detailed reports or produce Excel® spreadsheets using the many filters options and/or selections available.

  • Save your report configuration so that you can re-run it at a later date using the same search criteria.

If you enter a title for your report in the 'Save this Report as' field, your current search configuration will be saved with that title. To reuse these settings, use the 'My Saved Reports' picklist (located at the top-right of the screen) to retrieve your previously saved report configuration.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

Access to the Staff Kiosk Learning Support program is controlled by 'Teacher' permissions on the 'Learning Support' security point.

To enable this function, use TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Fields that require detailed explanation

Student Searching

Student Selection.

The options available depend on the level of user access granted.

Select from the following options:

  • All Students.
    This option will only be available to users (teacher or non-teacher) who have access to 'All Support Plans' (a permission setting). 

  • My Students.
    This option will only be available to users who have one or more Learning Support Class Plans assigned to them or the user they are Ghosting as.

  • My Year Groups.
    This option will only be available to users (teacher or non-teacher) who have access to 'All Support Plans' (a permission setting) and who are set up as 'Head of Year' or 'Year Administrator'. 

  • My House.
    This option will only be available to users (teacher or non-teacher) who have access to 'All Support Plans' (a permission setting) and who are set up as 'Head of House' or 'House Administrator'.

  • My PC/Tutor Group.
    This option will only be available to users (teacher) who have access to 'All Support Plans' (a permission setting) and they have a 'PC/Tutor Group' on their teacher record.


This is a 'multi-input' search field for selecting one or more students. Enter a name and click to select it (this action can be repeated to add several more). Remove a name by clicking on the 'X' button.

Year Group.

This is a multi-select checkbox filter which lists the valid 'Year Groups' for the school.

Form Class.

This single character (upper case only) search field for the school's 'Form Class'.

PC/Tutor Group.

This five-character search field for any PC/Tutor Groups defined for the school.


This is a multi-select checkbox filter listing all the school's 'Houses'.

Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Houses' tab.


This is a multi-select checkbox filter listing all the school's 'Campuses' (if defined).

Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Campuses' tab.

Subject/Teacher Searching

Search Mode.

Select a search mode:

  • Teacher (default).
    Provides a picklist populated with teachers that have a Learning Support Class Plan assigned to them.

  • Subjects.
    Provides a picklist populated with a list of subjects to which Class Plans have been assigned.


Choose the applicable years/semesters for classes to which Class Plans have been assigned.

The default will be the most recent year/semester.


Choose the applicable Subject Classes for the selected teacher for the year/semester selected.

Year Group

Choose the applicable 'Year Group'.

Where the 'Search Mode' is set to 'Teacher', this option will be greyed (deactivated).

Where the 'Search Mode' is set to 'Subject' and a subject is selected, this option will be greyed out (deactivated).

Where the 'Search Mode' is set to 'Subject' and 'All Subjects' is selected, this picklist will be populated with the 'Year Groups' for the selected year/semesters.

Class Plan Searching

Last Evidence Date

Select a 'From' and 'To' date using the date pickers.

Reviewed Date

Select a 'From' and 'To' date using the date pickers.


Include Class Plans that have been reviewed (Y/N).

This picklist has 2 options and is blank by default.

  1. Yes.

  2. No.

Class Plans are set to 'Reviewed' (Y) when the 'Submit Change' button is clicked on the 'Student Class Plan Adjustment' modal.

NCCD Category

Choose the applicable NCCD Category for this report from the picklist.

NCCD Adjustment Level

Choose the applicable NCCD Adjustment for this report from the picklist.


This picklist has 2 options

  1. Yes (default).

  2. No.

To retrieve results from previous years (i.e. Inactive plans), select 'No'.

Exclude NCCD

Tick this box to extract details that are not associated to the NCCD.

*Optional Fields

Additional UD fields can be added to the report.

UD fields are defined in Staff Kiosk Staff > Learning Support (Setup).

Additional Fields

Learning Support Info

When a field is selected in this list, it will be included in the report.

Student Details Info

When a field is selected in this list, it will be included in the report.


Sort By

Use this picklist to sort by one of the following options:

  • Student Name (default). When selected the report will order by Surname, 'Given Name', 'Student Code'.

  • Year Group.

  • Form Class.

  • PC Tutor Group.

  • Campus.

  • Date of Birth.

  • NCCD Category.

  • NCCD Adjustment Level.

  • Adjustment Category.

  • Adjustment.

Then By

Use this picklist to sub-sort by one of the following options:

  • Year Group.

  • Form Class.

  • PC Tutor Group.

  • Campus.

  • Date of Birth.

  • NCCD Category.

  • NCCD Adjustment Level.

Sort icon

Click to toggle the sort order 'A to Z' or 'Z to A'. 

Subtotals icon

To include 'Subtotals' on the report, click to toggle 'On/Off' icon.

Export To

Choose the destination of your report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

Formating Options

The 'Table Borders' and 'Alternate Row Colours' options can enhance the readability of the report but are not available if the listing destination is Excel®.

The output can be in Landscape or Portrait.

Use the picklist provided to output using:

  • Preferred Name.

  • Given Names.

  • Both.

Report Title

Enter a preferred title for the report or use the default title 'CLASS PLANS LISTING'.

Save this Report as

If populated with a value and you click 'GO', the current report settings will be saved using the configuration name entered in this field.

Your search settings can then be recalled, anytime, using the option 'My Saved Reports'.

Click the 'GO' button to generate the report or 'Back' to return to the Support Plan Grid.

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