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Class Plan Details


A Student's Class Plan consists of:

  • Student Details.

  • Adjustments.

  • Adjustment Evidence.

  • Notes.

  • Communications.

The information is displayed in a single scrolling screen with a left menu for quick navigation.

Click 'View Support Plan' to see the associated Support Plan.

The information and editing availability in this screen is dependent on your permissions.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

Users with the permission of 'All Support Plans' will see a consolidated view for all students with Support Plans. Use TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions to give users access to this permission.

Student Details

Refer to section 'Adding a New Support Plan', for more on the 'Student Details'.


This section will display all Adjustments that are included on this student's Class Plan (these are attached in the student's Support Plan).

Click 'Select/Review' to open the 'Student Class Plan Adjustment' modal. This is where: 

  • Adjustments can be reviewed.

  • Adjustments can have comments added to help explain what is required.

Click the 'Submit Change' button to save any changes made.

Adjustments are set up using Staff Kiosk program Staff > Learning Support (Setup).

Where an Adjustment is marked as 'Include' it is considered 'Mandatory' and some comments or remarks will need to be recorded.

When you click 'Submit Change' the system will register that all the Adjustments on this Class Plans Listing have been 'Reviewed'.

Adjustment Evidence

This section of the Student Class Plan:

  • Displays a list of the last 10 pieces of Adjustment Evidence entered for this student. Click 'See All' to view a complete list.

  • Allows you to view who entered the Adjustment Evidence. Click the 'info' icon.

  • Allows you to view Adjustment Evidence attachments. Click the 'document' icon.

  • Allows you to add/edit or delete Adjustment Evidence.

  • Displays a list of all pieces of Adjustment Evidence for this student (use the 'See All' button).

  • Allows you to search for an Adjustment Evidence subset for this student (use the 'See All' button).

Create a New Adjustment Evidence

Click the '+New' button to display the 'Add Adjustment Evidence' screen.

Fields that require further explanation


Indicates the date for the Adjustment Evidence was created.

This field will automatically default to the current date.

Adjustment Category

The options available in the drop-down list have been set up by your school in program Staff Kiosk program Staff > Learning Support (Setup).

Use the drop-down list to select the Adjustment Category for the evidence being entered.


The options available in the drop-down list have been set up by your school in program Staff Kiosk program Staff > Learning Support (Setup).

Use the drop-down list to select the Adjustment for the evidence being entered.


Record text details of how the Adjustment was applied.


Add supplementary details.  

Two options are available to attach a file to this Adjustment Evidence:

  1. Drag-and-drop a file from your computer.

  2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

Click 'Check Spelling' (if required).

Select the 'Submit New' button to record your entry.


This section of the student's Class Plan:

  • Displays a list of the last 10 notes for this student (with the newest at the top of the list). Click 'See All' to view a complete list.

  • Allows you to view who entered the note. Click the 'info' icon.

  • Allows you to view attachments on a note. Click the 'document' icon.

  • Allows you to add/edit a note.

  • Displays a list of all notes for this student (use the 'See All' button).

  • Allows you to search for a subset of notes for this student (use the 'See All' button).

Create a New Note

To create a new note, click the '+New' button.

*Note Date

Select a date using the date picker.

*Note Category

The options available in the drop-down list have been set up by your school in program Staff Kiosk program Staff > Learning Support (Setup).

It is important to select a meaningful category for the note that you are entering as various reports allow notes to be filtered by category.

*Note Text

Enter your note in this field.


Add an attachment (if required).

Two options are available to attach a file to this Note:

  1. Drag-and-drop a file from your computer.

  2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

An example of this could be a scanned copy of a report from a medical practitioner.

Click 'Check Spelling' (if required).

Select the 'Submit New' button to record your entry.


This section of the student's Class Plan:

  • Displays a list of the last 10 email communications for this student. Click 'See All' to view a complete list.

  • Allows you to preview an email that has been sent. Click the 'magnifying glass' icon.

  • Allows you to view who the communication was sent by. Click the 'info' icon.

  • Allows you to view attachments on an email. Click the 'document' icon.

  • Displays a list of all communications for this student (use the 'See All' button).

  • Allows you to search for a subset of communications for this student (use the 'See All' button).

  • Allows you to view who the communication was sent to (students, parents and/or external recipients).

  • Allows you to view if email and notification communications have been viewed by recipients.

  • Allows you to print a report based on your selections (use the 'See All' button).

Only emails assigned to the email categories nominated in Staff Kiosk program Staff > Learning Support (Setup) will be displayed.

The email communications that you have access to is dependent on your security permissions.

Print Class Plan Details

Click the 'Print' button to open the print dialog modal. 

Fields that require detailed explanation

Report options

Select one or more of the following options:

  • Adjustments.

  • Adjustment Evidence.

  • Notes.

  • Communications.

  • Signatures.

Signatory options are set up in Staff Kiosk program Staff > Learning Support (Setup).

Export To

Choose the destination of your report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

Formating Options

The 'Table Borders' and 'Alternate Row Colours' options can enhance the readability of the report but are not available if the listing destination is Excel®.

The output can be in Landscape or Portrait.

Use the picklist provided to output using:

  • Given Name.

  • Preferred Name.

  • Both.

Click the 'GO' button to generate the report.

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