The PC Entries List Screen
When you access the program, the screen will display a list of the PC Entries for the current term/semester for students in your current subject classes. Alternatively, using the dropdown list at the top, you can select the PC Entries for students who are:
In your PC/Tutor Group (if applicable).
In the Year Group (for which you are the 'Head' or an 'Administrator').
In the House (for which you are the 'Head' or an 'Administrator').
All students.
If you are a non-teacher the screen will display a list of the PC Entries for the current week.
You can use the other filters at the top of the screen to return a different list of student PC Entries.
Date range.
Use this to produce a list of all students who must attend an Outcome/Calendar Event combination, e.g. Detention on a certain date/time. First, select one Outcome with a Calendar link, then use the 'Calendar' filter that will become available, to select the Date/Time.
To sort by a column click on the column heading. To sort by multiple columns hold down the 'Shift' key and click the second and subsequent columns.
The list will exclude past students. To view PC Entries for a past student use the Student Profile page.
Editing an Existing PC Entry
Select the 'Edit' icon.
Refer to the 'Adding a new PC Entry' help below for details on the 'Pastoral Care Entry' screen.
Cancelling an Existing PC Entry
Select the 'Cancel' icon.
By cancelling a PC Entry it will be removed from the default view in this program for all Staff Kiosk users.
If the PC entry contains an Outcome/Calendar Event combination (e.g. Detention on a certain date/time) it will also be removed from the Student's eDiary in Student Café and Parent Lounge.
Cancelled PC Entries can be accessed by using the 'Completed' filter and ticking the 'Cancelled' box.