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TER - Teacher Substitution Notifications


The Teacher Substitutions Notifications program enables you to generate notifications for allocated teacher substitutions. With this program you can:

  • Send an SMS to the substitute teacher.

  • Send an email to the substitute teacher, with a cc to the teacher going on leave and the logged-in user who recorded the substitution.

Fields and options that require detailed information

Generate SMS

Select this to send an SMS to the teacher allocated as a substitute

There is an icon that indicates if the substitute teacher doesn't have a mobile phone number on their employee record that has been flagged to enable SMS messaging. This can be amended in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the 'Address' tab.

Generate Email

Select this to send an email to the teacher being allocated as substitute. This also sends the email to the teacher going on leave and the logged-in user

There is an icon that indicates if the substitute teacher doesn't have a valid school email address on their teacher record. This can be amended in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the 'General' tab.

Period #

The timetable period code.


The timetable description of the period being substituted.

e.g. “Lesson 1 [10:19am-10:20am]”


The description of the subject being substituted.

Year Grp

The year group of the class being substituted.


The class code of the class being substituted.


The room code of the room the substitution class will be held in. You can hover over the information to see a description of the room.

Substitute For

The teacher on leave.

Substitute By

The substitute teacher.


An information icon will be displayed where the substitute teacher doesn’t have a valid email or SMS enabled mobile number.

  • If the teacher doesn’t have an email address but does have an SMS enabled mobile number, the icon will be orange and the hover-over message will be ‘No Email’.

  • If the teacher doesn’t have a SMS enabled mobile number but does have an email address, the icon will be orange and the hover-over message will be ‘No SMS Enabled’.

  • If the teacher doesn’t have an email address and does not have a SMS enabled mobile number, the icon will be red and the hover-over message will be ‘No Email or SMS enabled’.

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