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Emergency Types (Setup)


The ‘Emergency Types (Setup)’ program allows you to create and maintain the Emergency Types available in the ‘Emergencies' feature of the Staff Orbit app, located under the 'Staff’ tab.  Emergency Types can be set up for emergencies such as evacuations, fires or fire drills.  

When an emergency is initiated in the Staff Orbit app, these settings from his program determine the default communications sent to Staff Orbit users via Push Notifications and the Custom Rolls generated for marking attendance. 

When initiating an emergency in the Staff Orbit app, the ‘Default Messages’ and ‘Student Custom Roll Type' and 'Tolerance for Previous Period’ fields can be edited.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

User Permissions

For this menu item to be visible, users need the ‘Emergency Types’ permission enabled in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions for Staff Kiosk in the ‘Rollcall’ section. 

To initiate and end an emergency in the Staff Orbit app, users must have permission to ‘Create/End Emergencies’ enabled in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions for Staff Kiosk in the ‘Other Permissions’ section. 

Staff who are required to mark Emergency Rolls will also need the 'Custom Rolls' permissions enabled in in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions for Staff Kiosk in the ‘Rollcall’ section. 

Emergency Types (Setup) Grid  

The Emergency Types (Setup) Grid displays the current Emergency Types that can be initiated from the Staff Orbit App. 

Click on a column heading to sort the grid alphabetically using this column. 

Click and drag columns to change the sort order of the display.  

Grid Column


Emergency Type ID 

This column displays the system-assigned identification number allocated to each Emergency Type.  

Emergency Type Description  

This column displays the description of the Emergency Type. 

Student Custom Roll Type 

This column displays the default Student Custom Roll type, generated when the Emergency Type is initiated in the Staff Orbit app.  

The ‘Student Custom Roll Type’ can be edited when initiating the emergency in the Staff Orbit app.

Options include:

  • Current Class

  • House

  • PC/Tutor Group

  • Year Group

  • No Custom Rolls.

When the ‘Current Class’ option is selected, the program will create Custom Rolls for each subject class currently scheduled according to the Timetable setups.  The Student Subject Date Range is also considered when determining the students assigned to each Custom Roll.

Tolerance for Previous Periods 

When the 'Current Class' is selected as the Student Custom Roll Type, this column shows the number of minutes before the start of the emergency when you want the custom rolls to be generated. This time is used to determine the subject class on which the custom rolls will be based.

Create Staff Member Custom Roll

This feature will be available in the Staff Orbit app from SO v2.2.200.

Select this checkbox to generate Staff Member Custom Rolls in the Staff Orbit app when an emergency is initiated.

Teachers are added to the roll based on the selected ‘Campus’ in the field below and the ‘Campus’ recorded on their Teacher Record in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the ‘General’ tab. However, non-teaching staff will always be included for all campuses since there is no 'Campus' field in the Employee Record.

After the Staff Member Custom Rolls are generated, app users with 'Create/End Emergencies' Portal Security Permission enabled in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions for Staff Kiosk can mark their attendance.

The app user who initiates the emergency will be designated as the roll owner, while all other users with the ‘Create/End Emergencies’ Portal Security Permission will be assigned as administrators. Administrators are assigned based on the selected ‘Campus’ in the field below and the ‘Campus’ recorded on their Teacher Record in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the ‘General’ tab. Non-teaching staff (without a Teacher Record) will always be included for all campuses, as there is no 'Campus' field available in the Employee Record.

Users without the 'Create/End Emergencies' Portal Security Permission can mark themselves as present using the 'Self Check In' option in the Staff Orbit app.

Start Default Message 

This column displays the default push notification message that will be populated in the Staff Orbit app users when this Emergency Type is initiated. 

This is the default message. This message can be changed when initiating the emergency in the Staff Orbit app.

End Default Message 

This column displays the default push notification message that will be populated in the Staff Orbit app users when this Emergency Type has ended. 

This is the default message. This message can be changed when initiating the emergency in the Staff Orbit app.


Click the ‘Pencil’ icon to edit the Emergency Type. 

Click the ‘Bin’ icon to delete the Emergency Type. 

Adding a New Emergency Type 

Click the ‘New’ button in the top right corner of the screen to insert a new Emergency Type into the grid. 

Fields that require further explanation

Emergency Type ID 

This field shows a system-assigned identification number allocated to each emergency type. This field cannot be edited. 

* Emergency Type Description 

Use this field to enter a Description of the Emergency Type.

Maximum 40 Characters. 

Default Start Message 

Enter the default push notification message that will be populated in the Staff Orbit app when this Emergency Type is initiated.  

The character limitations for this field are based on the ‘Enable Multi-Part Messaging’ settings defined in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance > SMS Gateway.  

  • When enabled, the character limit is a maximum of 800. 

  • When disabled, the character limit is a maximum of 160. 

The ‘Start Default Message’ can be changed when initiating the emergency in the Staff Orbit app.

Default End Message 

Enter the default push notification message that will be populated in the Staff Orbit app when this Emergency Type has ended.  

The character limitations for this field are based on the ‘Enable Multi-Part Messaging’ settings defined in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance > SMS Gateway.  

  • When enabled, the character limit is a maximum of 800. 

  • When disabled, the character limit is a maximum of 160. 

The 'End Default Message' can be changed when initiating the emergency in the Staff Orbit app.

* Student Custom Roll Type 

Use this field to nominate the default way that your attendance rolls will be generated when this Emergency Type is initiated in the Staff Orbit app.  

Options include:  

  • Current Class  

  • House  

  • PC/Tutor Group  

  • Year Group  

  • No Custom Rolls  

The Student Custom Roll Type can be changed when initiating the emergency in the Staff Orbit app.

Tolerance for Previous Period 

This field is only active when ‘Current Class’ has been selected as the Student Custom Roll Type in the field above. 

Enter the default number of minutes before the start of the emergency that you want to consider when generating Custom Rolls. The system will use this time to determine which Subject Class the Custom Rolls will be based on. 

To use the exact time of the Emergency initiation, enter 0. 


If the value entered is 15, when an emergency is initiated, the program will use the current time minus 15 minutes to determine which subject class the custom rolls will be based on.  If the value entered is 15 and you initiate an emergency at 9:10am, the system will create custom rolls based on the timetable period as of 8:55am.  

The ‘Tolerance for Previous Period’ can be changed when initiating the emergency in the Staff Orbit app.


Use this field to nominate which campus(es) will receive notifications and be included in Custom Roll generation when this Emergency Type is initiated.  

This is a multi-select field. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options enables a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows individual selection of additional fields. 

Click the ‘Submit New’ button to insert this record into the Emergency Types (Setup) Grid.  

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