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Question Builder – Step 3 of 4

This step allows you to attach one or more (up to 10) digital Resources for students to reference whilst answering a Question.

An example of a Resource attached to a Question might be a picture, graph or text excerpt that students have to review to answer the Question.

It is not mandatory to attach a Resource to your Question. To proceed to Step 4 of the 'Question Builder' without attaching a Resource, click the 'Next' button.

Click here for further information on Resources.

Resources can be digital files such as PDF documents, Powerpoint presentations, Word documents etc.

Resources can be:

An example of a Resource that is attached to an Activity could be a rubric that outlines to the students what they need to do to achieve a certain mark.

There are two options available to attach Resources to a Question:

  1. Use an existing Resource from the Learning Objects Repository.

  2. Create a new Resource on-the-fly.

Using an Existing Resource

The program will display the Learning Object Repository with Resources only loaded:

Browse through the Learning Object Repository to locate the Resource(s) you would like to attach to your Question.

After a Resource has been selected from the Learning Object Repository, details of the Resource will be displayed in the middle of the screen: 

Click the 'View' button to look at the Resource before attaching it to your Question.

Click the 'Add Resource to Question' button to attach the selected Resource to your Question.

Resources that have been added to the Question will be displayed in the 'Selected Resources' column.

You can also double click a Resource from the Learning Object Repository to add it to the 'Selected Resources' column (PC and MAC only).

To remove a Resource, select the Resource from the 'Selected Resources' column and click the 'Remove Resource from Question' button.

Adding a New Resource 'On the Fly'

Click the 'Create New Resource' button to create and add a new Resource to this Question 'on the fly'.

This will open the 'Resource Entry' screen.

The following fields will be pre-populated with the information you entered into Step 1 of the 'Question Builder':

  • Subject Area.

  • Add to My Learning Objects or Add to Central Repository.

  • Year Group.

  • Topic.

  • Source.

Click here for further information on creating Resources.

Click the 'Save' button to create your Resource. This will also automatically add your Resource to the 'Selected Resources' column.

This Resource will also be available through Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Learning Objects under the 'Subject Area', 'Year Group' and 'Topic' that you nominated when creating your Resource.

Click the 'Next' button to proceed to Step 4 of the 'Question Builder'.

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